I'll admit to having little interest in Rakash culture, however your book does a good job of making it interesting. I'm not sure how accurate the lore is, although from my (admittedly tiny) amount of knowledge, it sounds good. One thing I'd recommend you add are definitions for some of the words used. On the one hand, I realize anyone reading the book probably already has a good background in Rakash culture, but I think defining some of the terms would be helpful and make it more new-user friendly.
I also caught a few minor typos/errors:
<<Those who did speak out about it were quickly branded as social outcasts and given the title of Backwards Student which means Backwards Student.
<<Despite the varying opinions as to when it took place, there is little debate over weather or not it actually did take place. All believe that The Time of One was a historical fact, weather it was a golden age or a dark one remains to be proven.
Should be whether, not weather.
Aside from that, outstanding work!
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost.