Compendium Bug? on 08/27/2016 10:27 AM CDT
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You get a worn leather compendium bound with a bit of braided twine from inside your canvas pack.
>close com
You close your leather compendium.
>look com
You see nothing unusual.
>open com
You open your leather compendium to the section on Blood Dryad physiology.
>turn comp to gob
You turn to the section on Scavenger Goblin physiology.
>turn comp to goblin
That section does not exist within your compendium.
>turn comp to gob
You turn to the section on Scavenger Goblin physiology.

Seems like it'll parse the short name, but not the long one. I know there is a Snow Goblin chart out there, could that be causing an issue here?
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Re: Compendium Bug? on 09/13/2016 09:00 PM CDT
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Not sure, but I'll check on it since I last touched the compendium code.

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Re: Compendium Bug? on 09/13/2016 09:21 PM CDT
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Checked. It's because I set the adjectives to Goblin on Snow Goblin, Black Goblin, and Scavenger Goblin. It'll try to find the first one that matches.

Here's how you can work with it:
Black Goblin will require TURN TO BLACK.
Scavenger Goblin will require TURN TO SCAV.
Snow Goblin will be require TURN TO SNOW.

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