RELEASE HELP shows that the RELEASE CAMBRINTH option should release all current links to cambrinth, but it does not. Currently, all that seems to work is to release the noun of the cambrinth item. Assisted in game, and was told to bug it. I seem to recall it working, but that was a little while ago. Has the verb changed and the help info not?
>release cambrinth
Release what?
[Check RELEASE HELP for more information.]
>release help
RELEASE Options:
ALL (default -- releases held mana, cyclic spells, and spell being prepared)
SPELL (releases spell being prepared)
CYCLIC (releases your active cyclic spell)
MANA (releases all held mana)
<#> MANA (releases a specific amount of held mana)
{SPELL} (releases a spell that you've cast on yourself)
SCROLL {SPELL} (releases a scroll you've memorized)
SPECIAL (releases effects from Hollow Eve 2015 Mask.)
CAMBRINTH (releases all active cambrinth links)
SYMBIOSIS (releases an active symbiosis or removes an inactive symbiosis from memory.)
CANTRIP (releases any cantrips you are preparing)