bug - Dual load with snipe on 03/13/2018 07:00 PM CDT
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I've just recently gotten Snipe and Dual Load. Today I found this. On the first arrow instead of 'you snipe a' it's 'You Electricity'. I thought it might just be the peccary, so I tried it on a gremlin.



You remain concealed by your surroundings, convinced that your moving to fire went unobserved.
< You Electricity a basilisk arrow at a bristle-backed peccary. A bristle-backed peccary fails to dodge. The arrow lands an extremely heavy hit that punches a hole through the skin on its side, lightly stunning it.

The basilisk arrow lodges itself shallowly into the bristle-backed peccary!
[You're solidly balanced with no advantage.]
< You snipe a basilisk arrow at a bristle-backed peccary. A bristle-backed peccary attempts to dodge. The arrow lands a massive strike that punctures deeply into one side of the peccary's stomach and out the other.


You remain concealed by your surroundings, convinced that your moving to fire went unobserved.
< You Electricity a basilisk arrow at a yellow-bristled gremlin. A yellow-bristled gremlin fails to dodge. The arrow lands a heavy strike to the gremlin's right arm.

The basilisk arrow lodges itself shallowly into the yellow-bristled gremlin!
[You're solidly balanced with no advantage.]

< You snipe a basilisk arrow at a yellow-bristled gremlin. A yellow-bristled gremlin attempts to dodge. The arrow lands a very heavy hit that lightly punctures the skin on the gremlin's chest.
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Re: bug - Dual load with snipe on 03/14/2018 07:24 AM CDT
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Thanks for letting us know. Would you also please submit a BUG report IG? It helps us get some more details into what may be happening.

Thanks again!

DragonRealms Senior Board Moderator
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Re: bug - Dual load with snipe on 03/14/2018 06:21 PM CDT
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Done! Thank you.

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Re: bug - Dual load with snipe on 03/14/2018 06:25 PM CDT
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TBF, this bug has been around for a long, long time. Just, not enough people that play Rangers wanted to get rid of it. I remember it at least 4-5 years ago now, I think.
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Re: bug - Dual load with snipe on 03/19/2018 01:52 PM CDT
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That bug has been a thing for as long as rangers have had snipe and dual load. It’s been bugged a thousand times. You can see it third person too.

Monster Elec

You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.
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