Assess bug on 09/29/2018 07:22 AM CDT
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Hello, I have reported this using the 'bug' command in the game but can not find's bug tracking database to track

So the "assess" command for combat no longer works for me
When I type in ass (or assess) nothing happens

All the other Assess work:
ASSESS PROTECT - overview of combat protection.
ASSESS GROUP - visible members of your group.
ASSESS TEACHING - what's being taught & by whom.
ASSESS RACE [silently] - race of people in room.
ASSESS MY RACE [silently] - others of your race.
ASSESS OTHER RACE [silently] - people not your race.
ASSESS RACE <race> [silently] - first person of that race.

But ASSESS by itself returns nothing in the game

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Re: Assess bug on 09/29/2018 11:24 AM CDT
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Are you using StormFront? Check your windows and see if you have the ASSESS window opened. You can use TAB to cycle through opened windows, but also be sure to check the two tiny pop-out trays on the left and right side of the screen to see if it may be hidden there.

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Re: Assess bug on 09/29/2018 11:47 AM CDT
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>>ASSESS RACE [silently]<<

I would also add that this isn't exactly done silently. Others see you do something when you ASSESS RACE.

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Re: Assess bug on 09/29/2018 12:54 PM CDT
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>I would also add that this isn't exactly done silently. Others see you do something when you ASSESS RACE.

[silently] is an optional argument for command, if you 'Assess race silently' you get the silent output. Or rather, don't get the output. Square brackets are generally used to list optional command arguments in DR.

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