HE Egg and Skinnable Mobs on 05/03/2019 07:11 PM CDT
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Can we check into the egg rewards from skinnable only mobs?

Reason: We went into Lava Drakes tonite... with several people and several eggs.

In 20 loots of the treasure sacks... we got only Gems and Coins on all 20 loots. I have trouble seeing we failed on the skin loot check on this 20 times, our RNG isnt usually that bad. Drakes do not drop any loot, only skinnable (Best of my knowledge).

Unsure if this was a GM Post somewhere or someone adlibing it ~

This basically triggers a mechanic similar to the treasure goblins from Taisidon Safari. It's a little different, but the idea is the same. When you WAVE it at the creature, the creature is transformed into a champion type boss. When it dies, it will drop a treasure sack. Those who are in your group at the time of death are eligible to loot it. It uses the creature's treasure pool to determine what can be pulled out.

If the creature can drop feeder items, a roll is made to see if you get a feeder item. If so, it then does another roll to determine which feeder level you get. Let me be clear here -- the items from these feeders are (mostly) unique items made by GMs. It's not standard stuff like yelith roots, waermodi stones, cambrinth rings, rhodonite runestones, etc. These items will be things a GM has taken the time to make, sometimes something saved from the janitor, etc.
If you don't get a feeder item, it checks to see if a scroll is possible (if the creature can normally drop scrolls).
If you didn't get a scroll and the creature was skinnable, a roll is made to see about getting a mix of skins/parts/bones.
If you don't get skins, a roll is made to see about getting coins/gems.
If you fail all of that, there's a pity prize category you can fall into.
If you win the roll in any of the categories, but it ends up not making an item for some reason, you'll get a message about searching again. You search until you get something. Once you get something, you can't get anything else from that treasure sack.

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