Clan justice in a non justice room? on 12/13/2020 06:32 PM CST
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So I got my hands chopped off right after I log in. I haven't been busted for stealing in a clan in a long time and this was a non-justice room.

You're fairly certain this area is lawless and unsafe.

~Hunter Hanryu
>I would like to avoid the collection of broken dreams and sorrow that is the Ranger guild.~Agalea
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Re: Clan justice in a non justice room? on 12/14/2020 07:57 PM CST
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There is always the possibility that a posse will form up depending on how wanted you are in an area.

While these posts are in the Necromancer folder, the posse system is not limited to Necromancers, but involves justice as a whole:

Hope this helps.

Twitter: @EvikeDR
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