Box Critical Fails and Instant Death. on 07/04/2013 02:22 PM CDT
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At the highest levels 90% of boxes are either large napatha, teleport, or concussion.

Teleport I can understand being instant death if there isn't any moons up. There isn't much argument against that.

Large napatha I have no problem with because you can actually survive it with enough stats, quick thinking, and first aid skill.

Concussion however is really, really pissing me off.

At low levels it's 100% survivable, it gives a head wound.

At mid levels it's 100% survivable, it gives a head wound.

At high to top levels its 100% death.

There is not even any kind of message as to what damage you are actually taking, you just go straight from living to dead with no regard to anything at all.

I get that the box is basically just deleting the PC's head. But I am saying to me that is not acceptable. There needs to be a check against the PC's circle or stats or skills or current health. Something.

Just cannot get over the fact that these are traps that are trivial or less difficulty to me (hardest in the game) and way too often I am dying simply because I had one single bad roll.

Might as well just put crits back in, its exactly the same. No fun at all.
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Re: Box Critical Fails and Instant Death. on 07/04/2013 06:20 PM CDT
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y u mad tho
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Re: Box Critical Fails and Instant Death. on 07/04/2013 06:27 PM CDT
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Every one of my deaths in the last two months has been due to boxes. Every single one, and there (sadly) have been a lot of them.
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Re: Box Critical Fails and Instant Death. on 07/06/2013 08:17 AM CDT
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As thieves I don't understand why you all are blowing so many boxes. I hunt right on the edge of my box skills and I've had maybe 1 death from boxes in the last 100 ranks of locksmithing. I'm not opening low end boxes either. This is with splitters and now resuscitants with only 450 in locksmithing. I would suggests taking the time to make sure you have every bonus you can, and to use disarm careful for every trap. It may take more time but you will see less deaths. Honestly, IMO if you are constantly dying to box traps as a thief then you are doing it wrong. There are far too many tools available to us to make it easy.
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Re: Box Critical Fails and Instant Death. on 07/06/2013 03:50 PM CDT
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>As thieves I don't understand why you all are blowing so many boxes. I hunt right on the edge of my box skills and I've had maybe 1 death from boxes in the last 100 ranks of locksmithing. I'm not opening low end boxes either. This is with splitters and now resuscitants with only 450 in locksmithing. I would suggests taking the time to make sure you have every bonus you can, and to use disarm careful for every trap. It may take more time but you will see less deaths. Honestly, IMO if you are constantly dying to box traps as a thief then you are doing it wrong. There are far too many tools available to us to make it easy.

Not saying it's the case this time, but it often is - Most people I've asked use a disarming script and it goes by difficulty, not the trap itself. Personally, I do clay/shrapnel/fireballs 'careful' regardless of their difficulty, and if I get 2-3 mechanism shifts I'll just toss the box. No amount of experience or RT is worth upping the risk of an instant death. (Teleporters I just wait til the moon is out.)

But in spite of that, I DO think that Concussion traps need some moderate tweaking. It's one thing when a trap can potentially kill you, but it's a whole new beast when the trap -always- kills you.
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Re: Box Critical Fails and Instant Death. on 07/06/2013 05:26 PM CDT
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>>Not saying it's the case this time, but it often is - Most people I've asked use a disarming script and it goes by difficulty, not the trap itself.

After blowing traps that were still below my difficulty, I now do every trap I disarm carefully. As you said a few seconds of RT is not worth instant death. Since I've done this I can count on one hand how many times I've blown a trap.

As to the point of this thread, I can agree that traps as a whole need to be re-worked so that they are not 100% fatal all the time. I don't think just one or two need work, I believe all traps should be rewritten to go thru new combat so a lot of these complaints will disappear.
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Re: Box Critical Fails and Instant Death. on 07/06/2013 10:18 PM CDT
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Something with 3.0 made things a bit easier. I think I only died twice since 3.0 came out, yet before 3.0 I would die every other batch of boxes. It was so annoying that I just gave up box popping until 3.0.

I think my one death was from percussion and from teleportation.

Forged Weapons:
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Re: Box Critical Fails and Instant Death. on 07/07/2013 04:03 AM CDT
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>if I get 2-3 mechanism shifts...

If you're getting multiple fails then you deserve to get blown up. I'm only complaining about taking a fresh box: disarm id (pass), disarm: Dead.

>Honestly, IMO if you are constantly dying...

No, that's not what I'm saying at all.

It is only like 1 box out of one or two hundred but try to remember RNG odds don't actually work like that, The actual odds are probably around .5 to 1%. Probably the exact same odds as old combat crits.

The point is that there is no check involved. It's just if you roll it wrong you die.

>450 in locksmithing.

Triple that and then post some more. I said very clearly it's not a problem until you're in the highest of ranks.
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Re: Box Critical Fails and Instant Death. on 07/07/2013 06:10 PM CDT
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>It is only like 1 box out of one or two hundred but try to remember RNG odds don't actually work like that, The actual odds are probably around .5 to 1%. Probably the exact same odds as old combat crits.

1 in 100 or 1 in 200 is 1% to 0.5%... :<

>If you're getting multiple fails then you deserve to get blown up. I'm only complaining about taking a fresh box: disarm id (pass), disarm: Dead.

Most at-level boxes are moderately challenging to me, but then I'm not a thief. Of course I'll press my luck if it's a non-fatal box, and of course I'll stop if it is. Traps going off in the first disarm happens to all of us, and it can be fatal as soon as naphtha/teleporters start to show in boxes, really.

>Triple that and then post some more. I said very clearly it's not a problem until you're in the highest of ranks.

Not sure why you're being so bitter/aggressive when everyone here is more or less agreeing with you.
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