Bald beard color on 03/13/2016 09:14 AM CDT
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If I make a male human and select 'bald', I skip the hair color portion of character creation.

But I still grow a beard. So...what color is it? The obvious answer is 'whatever color you want', but I've never really liked that.

If I then have my character shifted to have hair, does the system pick a hair color for me at random, or default to something?
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Re: Bald beard color on 03/13/2016 02:39 PM CDT
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It won't have a color until one is shifted on, IIRC.

@thayelf //

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
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Re: Bald beard color on 03/13/2016 04:33 PM CDT
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>>Badgopher: If I then have my character shifted to have hair, does the system pick a hair color for me at random, or default to something?

When I tested this, the hair color was absent from the look until an Empath added one via shift. (Previously, it was simply not possible to shift from baldness.)

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