Hope this is the right place ---- demeanor on 09/02/2007 11:09 AM CDT
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I would like to see the demeanor get an upgrade... in addition to races, let us be able to set a demeanor toward guild..hmmm.... although that could bring up a problem with thieves... maybe make it so demeanor towards thiefs goes to their pretend guild if they have one set....mainly I want to be able to have my demeanor set differently for empaths than the general public....

Sothios Clan-Csencsits
Aesry Locksmith Union Representative
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Re: Hope this is the right place ---- demeanor on 09/02/2007 06:37 PM CDT
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I like this idea and have often wished it was possible. My solution now is having two macros set, one to demeanor everyone cold and one to demeanor all races neutral when I want to be healed.

-Player of "One of the Caels" and a Bard

Bromus says "if you two start an ongoing killing-feud, that will be amazing
Bromus says "a paladin getting pulped by a cleric regularly
Bromus says "that's the stuff of comedy
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