Ground Loot Organisation on 08/01/2007 12:58 PM CDT
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So, I see this:

[The Western Road, Big Meadow]
The road crosses the eastern end of a big clearing, an unusual sight in the wooded foothills. No mark of axe or saw can be seen, so the lea must have resulted from a natural event, perhaps a forest fire. Downhill to the west, saplings around the edge show the slow return of the trees, and in fifty years no trace will remain of the meadow. You also see some copper coins, a medium green zircon, a small clear topaz, a medium red-green bloodstone, some copper coins, a bronze coin, a small rock crystal, a small red-green bloodstone, a small amethyst, some copper coins, a bronze coin, a medium star diopside, some copper coins, a small rock crystal, a small red jasper, a medium green zircon, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a medium amethyst, some copper coins, a bronze coin, a small cat's eye quartz, a small green zircon, a copper coin, some bronze coins, a medium red-green bloodstone, some copper coins, a bronze coin, a small rock crystal, a small green malachite stone, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a medium rock crystal, a medium cat's eye quartz, some copper coins, a small clear topaz, a medium red-green bloodstone, a small aquamarine gem, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a tiny silver nugget, a medium clear topaz, a small fiery fissure, a seaweed tart, some copper coins, a small clear topaz, a medium red-green bloodstone, a copper coin, some bronze coins, a small red jasper, a small green zircon, some copper coins, a silver coin, a medium rock crystal, a small cat's eye quartz, a medium cat's eye quartz, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a small turquoise stone, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a small rose quartz, a jar of raspberry jam, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a small green zircon, a small green malachite stone, a small red-green bloodstone, a medium cat's eye quartz, a small green zircon, a small green zircon, a medium clear topaz, a small aquamarine gem, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a silver coin, a small aquamarine gem, a medium cat's eye quartz, a small aquamarine gem, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a silver coin, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a silver coin, a medium clear topaz, a small red-green bloodstone, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a sungrown cigar, some copper coins, a bronze coin, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a medium red-green bloodstone, a small amethyst, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a small star diopside, a small aquamarine gem, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a medium clear topaz, some copper coins, a bronze coin, a small clear topaz, a medium rose quartz, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a medium red-green bloodstone, some copper coins, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a medium green zircon, some copper coins, a bronze coin, a small star diopside, a small amethyst, some copper coins, a medium clear topaz, a small cat's eye quartz, some copper coins, a small star diopside, a medium green zircon, a loose satin vest, some copper coins, a bronze coin, a medium red-green bloodstone, a small aquamarine gem, some scuffed cherry-red slippers, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a small aquamarine gem, a copper coin, some bronze coins, a medium red jasper, a medium cat's eye quartz, a medium red jasper, a small amethyst, a round of journey bread, some copper coins, a small red jasper, a small green malachite stone, some copper coins, a small turquoise stone, some copper coins, some bronze coins, some copper coins, a medium red-green bloodstone, a Guildleader Esuin card, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a silver coin, a medium star diopside, a medium red-green bloodstone, some copper coins, a bronze coin, a medium star diopside, a small green malachite stone, some bronze coins, a medium cat's eye quartz, a medium amethyst, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a medium green zircon, a small star diopside, a medium cat's eye quartz, some copper coins, a bronze coin, a small aquamarine gem, a copper coin, a bronze coin, a small red-green bloodstone, a small green zircon, some bronze coins, some copper coins, some copper coins, some bronze coins, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a medium cat's eye quartz, a medium cat's eye quartz, a small aquamarine gem, a medium red jasper, a small clear topaz, a medium clear topaz, a small cat's eye quartz, a small green zircon, a small amethyst, a medium red-green bloodstone, a medium rose quartz, a small star diopside, a small rose quartz, a small green zircon, a small turquoise stone, a small star diopside, a small red jasper, a small amethyst, a small amethyst, a small cat's eye quartz, a small amethyst, a medium clear topaz, a small red jasper, a small red-green bloodstone, a small turquoise stone, a medium star diopside, a small rose quartz, a small aquamarine gem, a medium turquoise stone, a small aquamarine gem, a medium cat's eye quartz, a medium amethyst, a small rose quartz, a small green malachite stone, a medium rock crystal, a small turquoise stone, a medium cat's eye quartz, a medium cat's eye quartz, a small turquoise stone, a medium clear topaz, a medium green zircon, a small turquoise stone, a small star diopside, a medium clear topaz, some coal dust, a medium red-green bloodstone, a small green malachite stone, a small clear topaz, a medium aquamarine gem, a small clear topaz, a small green zircon, a small star diopside, a small aquamarine gem, a small red-green bloodstone, a small amethyst, a small aquamarine gem, a roasted ham, a medium red jasper, a small green zircon, a small star diopside, a small aquamarine gem, a small amethyst, some sufil sap, a medium rock crystal, a medium rock crystal, a black lynx who is sitting, a medium clear topaz, a small aquamarine gem, a small star diopside, a small rose quartz, a small rock crystal, a medium red-green bloodstone, a small star diopside, a small green malachite stone, a sky-blue imnera runestone, a small clear topaz, a medium red-green bloodstone, a medium cat's eye quartz, a medium red jasper, a medium rock crystal, and a small rose quartz.
Obvious paths: east, west.

Couldn't we turn it into this:

[The Western Road, Big Meadow]
The road crosses the eastern end of a big clearing, an unusual sight in the wooded foothills. No mark of axe or saw can be seen, so the lea must have resulted from a natural event, perhaps a forest fire. Downhill to the west, saplings around the edge show the slow return of the trees, and in fifty years no trace will remain of the meadow. You also see a pile of gems, a pile of skins, a pile of coins, and some junk.
Obvious paths: east, west.

Armifer: Yes. I hate moon mages.
Pal: You know I'm making that a sig line, don't you? Context or no.
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Re: Ground Loot Organisation on 08/01/2007 01:06 PM CDT
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To elaborate...

I know there have been some issues with this before mechanics wise but...

Instead of making it work like other piles (which all contain the same thing), just make it a container that is fixed to the room.

e.g. >Look in gem pile
in the gem pile you see a small clear topaz, a medium red-green bloodstone, a small red-green bloodstone, and a small amethyst.

look in coin pile, look in skin pile, look in misc item pile etc...

Then if someone wanted to implement a get all gems/get all coins/get all skins type of verb or option it should be easier too because it's all already in one container.

The container would gen when that item gens...if the container already exists it goes into the container otherwise it creates the container and then puts it inside.

When the last item is taken out of the container, the container degens.

It would not be janitor proof.

I am --- Navak
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Re: Ground Loot Organisation on 08/01/2007 02:50 PM CDT
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I love this idea. Perhaps one could FILL MY POUCH WITH GEM PILE and GET COINS. To prevent snertdom, just give them that "that isn't yours" messasging that certain items get when a third party tries to pick them up.

This could be bypassed by a person being in your group (and not just stalking you) so that hunting buddies won't have to be bothered by the mechs. While we're on this, could you guys PLEASE get rid of the roundtime you get when you skin or search a critter that you didn't kill IF it was killed by someone in your group? You have no idea how much this discourages the already disadvantagous scenario of group hunting.

Ssra, Dart, hear my plea!

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Reckus 3 is out! Works for all guilds! 5/21/2007
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Re: Ground Loot Organisation on 08/01/2007 08:40 PM CDT
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>Then if someone wanted to implement a get all gems/get all coins/get all skins type of verb or option it should be easier too because it's all already in one container.

This, I think, is the reason GM's have given in the past for not doing this. Making it easier to clear-cut someone elses loot with 2-5 simple quick instant commands equals lots and lots and lots and lots of report headache for GM. 'Bob came in and took all my stuff!!!'

Of course, the really typical response has been 'pick it up'. If you pick it up, you won't see 4000000 items on the ground.

That seems the be what they're trying to encourage anyway. Short spastic hunts rather than the 24+ hour shifts.
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Re: Ground Loot Organisation on 08/01/2007 10:09 PM CDT
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That said, why not change how items appear or behave on the ground?

1)all items acquire junk mechanics, and therefore will auto-decay after a set period of time (kinda like the new critter AI, why maintain an item if a player doesn't want it?).

2)everything found in a SEARCH of a dead critter goes into our inventory if there's room; if there's not enough room, it stays in the critter and disappears on decay.

3)each room can only have X items in a room
a)if there are X items, a critter can't be searched (similar to foraging clutter)
b)if there are X items, a critter can be searched but the items automatically disappear
c)if there are X items, a critter can be searched and the items get tacked onto the front of the list; those items that exceed X are then removed from play and forever lost (this goes for all items including weapons, containers, and armor, not just items from a searched critter).

4)MO-style penalties for clutter in the room (that is, no limits on how much clutter but too much is going to get you killed).

J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List --
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Re: Ground Loot Organisation on 08/02/2007 06:26 AM CDT
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If an area is often full of junk - let me know - and I'll add it to the "active" janitor rotation.

You can also use the JUNK command to call the janitor to the room. That will notify everyone in the room the jantior is coming. It is not consent.


"He had a lot to say. He had a lot of nothing to say."
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Re: Ground Loot Organisation on 08/02/2007 08:07 PM CDT
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>>That seems the be what they're trying to encourage anyway. Short spastic hunts rather than the 24+ hour shifts.

The people that are hunting a lot aren't bothered as much as those that are not hunting for long periods of time by this situation.

So, I don't think it washes out the same way.

I'm also not really comfortable walking in and junking someone's hunting area, wiping out their gems/coins/etc...

I am --- Navak
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