ESP 2.0 Heads Up on 10/30/2016 03:49 PM CDT
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Let's talk ESP.

So, first things first, I do not have an ETA yet. Principally because if I do not finish this project within my current deadline I will require to push it back to after New Years and move onto another project which is more time sensitive. That said, ESP rewrite is proceeding actively at the moment, and our development server has a simple working version.

Because we've arrived at a point in development where things are coming together, I feel it is prudent to give you a heads up regarding the fate of some current ESP items, so that you can make informed decisions in the coming days.

1) Albredine rings of both types are being discontinued, their function rolled into gwethdesuans. When ESP 2.0 is released, these rings will no longer function.

2) Lantholite/Sjatmal/Waermodi/Lasmodi gwethdesuans are being discontinued. They will no longer function.

3) Kyanite and Jadeite gweths will perform identically. You will only need one gwethdesuan, and can choose either based on your aesthetics.

4) When the new ESP system is released, it will not respect your current telepathy settings. You will need to expend a charge (or recast Thoughtcast, if using that method) to reactivate your gweths.

5) Gwethsmashers will change in the following ways. Note that this is tentative and may change.
5.1) Item destruction is gone.
5.2) A successful gwethsmash will render someone unable to THINK or SEND for one hour.
5.3) Gwethsmashed individuals can still listen to ESP.
5.4) PROJECT to private groups will continue to function.

Gwethsmasher policy may or may not change. I will leave that up to better equipped GMs to ultimately decide, I am merely handling the mechanical aspects.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino

This message was originally posted in Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia, Gwethdesuans. To discuss the above, follow the link below.
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