Items fall to your feet after losing your hands on 02/10/2020 11:26 PM CST
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Losing your hands to injuries will now result in your held items dropping to your feet instead of the ground.

Should anyone decided that you really do not want the things at your feet, I'll remind you of EMPTY FEET. Using EMPTY FEET means you're putting items on the ground, subjecting them to potential loss.

- GM Ynami
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Re: Items fall to your feet after losing your hands on 02/11/2020 05:59 AM CST
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Nice! I like these little QOL tweaks.

~Hunter Hanryu
>Everything Rangers have is just a lame version of something cool.~Morkim
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Re: Items fall to your feet after losing your hands on 02/11/2020 06:11 PM CST
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I just want to make sure i understand this correctly, if my hands are incinerated, my weapon is now at my feet... i'm in combat, bleeding profusely and i cannot leave the area (can you retreat with something at your feet?) until i pick up said item which i can't pick up because i have no hands... so now my only recourse is EMPTY FEET so i can just lose my weapon but take longer time to do it?

that seems.. odd.. unless you can actually pick up stuff without your hands so you can stow it and get the hell out.. if that's the case, disregard. thanks.

Damian, a voice from the distant and long-forgotten past.
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Re: Items fall to your feet after losing your hands on 02/11/2020 06:37 PM CST
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Or maybe only the hand holding the weapon was incinerated, in which case you can stow it using the other.
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Re: Items fall to your feet after losing your hands on 02/11/2020 07:58 PM CST
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Stow with no hands should work with just a 30 sec RT.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors." -Raesh
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Re: Items fall to your feet after losing your hands on 02/11/2020 08:02 PM CST
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As clarification, you will still need a free hand to GET or STOW things. There are not current plans on changing this requirement.

Item(s) will no longer drop immediately to the ground in the room, where they are subject to the janitor and potential loss due to NEWS 5 5. By going to the feet, the item remains safely in each player's inventory until they decide what to do.

I'll also add that emptying your feet (and subjecting the item to the janitor) isn't the only choice. Other options could include calling for help, departing with the item (in case of death due to injuries), or clearing your hands before casting dangerous sorcery spells.

- GM Ynami
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Re: Items fall to your feet after losing your hands on 02/15/2020 12:03 AM CST
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This is a great change for Empaths.

Thank you!

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