Wizard thought window on 11/29/2016 08:27 PM CST
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Not trying to pester, but is there any idea of a time frame on getting gweth thoughts to go back to appearing in the Thoughts window on the Wizard instead of the Game window? I'm a developer myself, so "No idea, technical issues are getting in the way" is a perfectly acceptable answer and one I've had to use myself. Of course, I'm hoping that's not the answer, but I'll understand if it is.

Player of Meigs
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Re: Wizard thought window on 11/29/2016 08:34 PM CST
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I'm curious what the draw is for still using the Wizard. Nostalgia? Some GS feature modded to work for DR?

"Warrior Mages don't bother covering up their disasters.

They're proud of them."
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Re: Wizard thought window on 11/29/2016 08:37 PM CST
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>>I'm curious what the draw is for still using the Wizard. Nostalgia? Some GS feature modded to work for DR?

There are some players who do not wish to change front ends from the wizard. (I'm not one of them)

"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
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Re: Wizard thought window on 11/29/2016 11:16 PM CST
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>>I'm curious what the draw is for still using the Wizard. Nostalgia? Some GS feature modded to work for DR?

For myself personally, I can either relax with DR, using the same front end I've been using for a long, long time, using the couple-hundred custom scripts I've written, the color highlighting I'm used to, sound triggers I'm used to, etc. Or I can spend a couple weeks learning a new interface and adapting scripts and then slowly get back to playing comfortably.

Since I pound on a tube all day and end up getting dragged into some executive's "evaluate this great new tool I read about, I think we can rewrite everything and it'll be so much cooler" several times a year, I prefer to just kick back and play in my spare time. It's not that I can't switch and one of these days I probably will, it's just that work sucks all the "oh look, another shiny new toy to learn, this'll be soo much fun" attitude right out of me.

Player of Meigs
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