With the addition of analyze, sparked from the Duskruin event, this item appears to not follow what I recall about it. Yes it is an inviso cloak, but what I recall was that this particular cloak did not operate on charges and instead utilized a cooldown of approx 1 Elanthian day (approx 4 hours).
The heavy arzumos hide cloak stitched with intricate silver sigils is from the premie shop and has been know to operate on charges. The azure-scaled poloh'izh hide cloak I question about is not from the premie shop.
You glance down to see an azure-scaled poloh'izh hide cloak in your right hand
I really dislike the thought of possibly blowing charges on this item that I have have had for years, used countless times, and always under the belief that it was gated by the 4ish hour cooldown - not charges.
When the analze for these types of items got released, analyze said this:
Recharge Info:
Using an infuser stone on the poloh'izh hide cloak will add 25 additional uses per stone, up to a maximum of 1000.
You could apply an infuser stone to boost the poloh'izh hide cloak from 0 charges to 25.
You can't tell anything else about an azure-scaled poloh'izh hide cloak.
and continued to say that even after using it.
Later on analyze changed to say this:
Recharge Info:
Using an infuser stone on the poloh'izh hide cloak will add 25 additional uses per stone, up to a maximum of 1000.
You could apply an infuser stone to boost the poloh'izh hide cloak from 151 charges to 151
and 151 of 151 changed to 150 of 150 after another use.
Would REALLY like a GM to comment on this. Why did my 0 charge 4 hour cooldown item change to 151 charges and dropping.