Looking to sell a whole lot of stuff quickly. on 06/15/2018 07:28 PM CDT
I just came back to the game after close to a decade, and I have like 20 characters spread over 2 accounts. All full of stuff. I have no idea what any of it is worth or how to sell it all. At this point I'm close to just wandering around dumping items all over the ground.
If anyone wants to help me organize this mess and figure out what's worth keeping and how to get rid of what isn't, I will cheerfully pay you a whole lot of money, either in platinum or items. I need to seriously pare down the clutter and I don't even know where to start. I can't believe I managed to accumulate this much junk!
Re: Looking to sell a whole lot of stuff quickly. on 06/15/2018 11:57 PM CDT
Paste your inventories on a pastebin and post the links to the dragonrealms discord sales channel would be my recommendation.
Re: Looking to sell a whole lot of stuff quickly. on 06/16/2018 12:33 PM CDT
Re: Looking to sell a whole lot of stuff quickly. on 06/18/2018 04:56 PM CDT
If you have the Genie client I'd recommend the Inventory View plugin for getting a list of inventory items. Also checks vault, caravan storage book, deed register, home, etc. Once an inventory is scanned you can right click the character name or container name and select 'Copy Branch' to copy the item list.