Small Blunt on 06/22/2019 10:21 PM CDT
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I am looking to buy a Small Blunt weapon, which can weigh no more than 30 stones. I would like it to have Very Heavy Impact Damage, and at least Decently Balanced. I understand that my request will probably make this a forged weapon. Does anyone have one for sale, or know a crafter capable of making such an item, and if so, what is the general cost of the item? Thank you.
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Re: Small Blunt on 06/22/2019 10:41 PM CDT
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Check out this list here:

I believe those stats are all for steel weapons, which are typical 20 plat kronar at most trader shops or purchased directly from a crafter. This means you're not going to get the weight and damage combo you want without more expensive/rare mats. Just a quick glance through some of the templates on the wiki shows that a tyrium bludgeon meets your qualifications, but you might be able to find another one that works for you:

You'll have to ask someone how much a tyrium weapon goes for direct from a crafter, but doing a quick browse of plaza shops ( shows prices ranging from 7k-10k plat. So, not cheap.
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Re: Small Blunt on 06/22/2019 11:22 PM CDT
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A mace, war hammer or belaying pin should be able to achieve that in steel. Unless you meant you needed it to be light blunt, in which case you'll need kertig level at least, and possibly tyrium.
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Re: Small Blunt on 06/23/2019 06:09 AM CDT
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This is basically what I am looking for:

glaes belaying pin 02 - poor 00 - no 10 - very heavy 08 - soundly 09 - well 04 - inadequately 12 - quite guarded 24
glaes mace 02 - poor 00 - no 10 - very heavy 08 - soundly 09 - well 04 - inadequately 12 - quite guarded 24
glaes war hammer 02 - poor 00 - no 10 - very heavy 08 - soundly 09 - well 04 - inadequately 12 - quite guarded 24
glaes *light penarch 01 - dismal 00 - no 10 - very heavy 09 - well 11 - extremely well 05 - fairly 12 - quite guarded 27

All the items are listed on Squanto's page. If this is out of date or inaccurate, please let me know. Thank you.
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