Another Suggestion on 07/12/2002 04:55 AM CDT
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How abouts..Emergency Jobs. Using Gweths, and/or Town criers. These would be special jobs that would be rare, and worth it for someone to do. Say Farmer Fred has spotted a wolf attacking his herd of cattle, he immediately sends up a "flare" for immediate help, the first person to respond and deal with the situation gets the "ample" reward.

Also, I would suggest putting in a Board in most Cities with Job lists on them, kinda like advertising.

You Tap a Help Wanted Board
>look Help Wanted Board
On the Help Wanted Board you see,
A Hastily scrawled note
A shabby parchment
A smudged handbill
A ragged poster

>Read note
Wanted: Hearty individuals willing to help harvest a field of wheat. Contact Farmer Bob for details!

>Read parchment
Wanted: A Mercenary is needed to decimate a Roaming Cadre of Ogres last spotted near Kaerna Village. See Gruk for details

>Read handbill
Needed: Falken is seeking 30 goblin skins. stop by the Tanner's Shed for details.

>Read poster
Warning! The Prince of Zoluren has requested assistance in dealing with an AWOL Captain. See the Clerk at the Keep for more information.

note that the listings on the boards wont activate the job for you, but will give you a list of a few of the jobs that are out there so you dont have to go searching the lands for one if you dont want to. They would alternate over time, or as they are completed. It would give people like me, who wont be using Jobs as an everyday source of income, skill, or whatever the reward is, a way to look around and see if anything really piques our interest, or seems like somthing our character would do without having to make a concentrated effort to seek out jobs.

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Re: Another Suggestion on 07/12/2002 10:05 PM CDT
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That is about as good of an idea as I've heard. Good call Canten.
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Re: Another Suggestion on 07/13/2002 01:02 AM CDT
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Hmm, this almost looks like the job system in modus...

Which, for creative purposes, blows GS3's job system out of the water.

Combine the goodness of both of these, iron out the shoddy details, and let's have something that'd put those two to shame... heh..

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Re: Another Suggestion on 07/13/2002 11:53 AM CDT
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How about a job where players would be charged with locating and bringing back the dead out in the field. hehe


Bring out your dead!
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Re: Another Suggestion on 07/14/2002 02:34 AM CDT
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That would a job for bards. Pulling a cart around and banging a pan. : )

"Bring out the dead!" bangs his pan

"Bring out the dead!" bangs his pan

Leaves it as that.

p.s. If you do not understand this watch Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail. ; )
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Re: Another Suggestion on 07/14/2002 09:15 AM CDT
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>p.s. If you do not understand this watch Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail. ; )

If someone didn't catch that reference, they had better be from another country. Otherwise, their education is SERIOUSLY lacking in the area of Fine Arts.

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Re: Another Suggestion on 07/14/2002 10:00 AM CDT
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>>That would a job for bards. Pulling a cart around and banging a pan

Would be an awful Idea...would cause too many PvP conflicts.

::Bob drags joe to the cart pulling guy::

Bob says, "here's one"

Joe says, "I'm not dead...


Ends with bard putting a bolt in joe...then the reports, the lockouts...the cries of interupted RP...

I see only darkness from such an idea.

Dark Angel Crusinix
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Re: Another Suggestion on 07/14/2002 04:58 PM CDT
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<<Would be an awful Idea...would cause too many PvP conflicts.

::Bob drags joe to the cart pulling guy::

Bob says, "here's one"

Joe says, "I'm not dead...


Ends with bard putting a bolt in joe...then the reports, the lockouts...the cries of interupted RP...>>

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Re: Another Suggestion on 07/15/2002 03:26 AM CDT
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<<watch Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail.>>

Why bother? You can always go look at sir robyn, and see him comment on the theregian swallows with the coconuts, exactly like they did in monty python.

-Trazier 'If I had my way, he wouldn't ever say this again, and wouldn't have said it to begin with... NPCs should not be making cutesy OOC referances' Zier
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Re: Another Suggestion on 07/15/2002 04:40 AM CDT
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As off topic as this is..why do you think that Therengia doesnt have Swallows and coconuts?<grins> Just because it was in a movie, dont mean it dont make sense in DR(Damissaks Ranged Mojo thing for example, if you dont know..well, not sure if it was spoken openly about outside of Vegascon yet).

And to stay on topic, how about a job from the bank, you help escort a shipment from one province to another. Sometimes it would be attacked, others it wouldnt.

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Re: Another Suggestion on 07/15/2002 06:02 PM CDT
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I volunteer my services to delve into the mystries of the air speed velocity of laden and unladed swallows.

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Re: Another Suggestion on 07/16/2002 02:48 AM CDT
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"And to stay on topic, how about a job from the bank, you help escort a shipment from one province to another. Sometimes it would be attacked, others it wouldnt."

Not to be rude, so i hope you don't take it that way.. there's not really a point, most "large" cities have the transfer system, (moongates for those that don't know) so escorting a shipment of money from one bank to the other isn't feasable.

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