Help with death on 10/31/2019 12:44 PM CDT
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Player from late 90's (ducks) and last time I was active was 2006. I left the game after dying on the Lybadel and was at the bottom of the ocean.. literally for years. Always had a soft spot for Elanthia and wondered what was going on and came back today. My dead body is still on the Lybadel and of course there is no one around (ever). It has been so long so I am a bit rusty. Sorry to use this forum but no longer know anyone to even start with. What do you suggest I do? If I depart, would I again end up at the bottom of the ocean? I seem to remember when I did that years ago, I ended up back at the bottom of the ocean so I am stuck in a loop unless something has changed. Would anyone be able to help me?

Also it appears I have lost all my spells. I didn't know that could happen but any insight would be wonderful.

~Lybadel ghost
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Re: Help with death on 10/31/2019 01:56 PM CDT
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I've set an alert and you will be moved to Town Green upon your next login automatically. You'll have to depart or wait for someone to find you and help you!

Welcome back!

~ L
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Re: Help with death on 10/31/2019 02:37 PM CDT
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>Player from late 90's (Lybadel ghost)

Your Depart options:


Make sure to check out the RESPEC command. You've got ~24 rl hours after your first login to wipe your stats. Go ahead and do it no matter what your stats are.

Whatever you do, don't use the Java webclient. StormFront is probably the easiest option until you get acclimatized. Here are other front end options:

Check out for most of the (bigger) mechanics changes over the years.

Check out

How gweths work now ingame

Join Discord for real time text help from a bunch of different players. It's the successor to AIM.

Welcome back!

Documentation is a love letter you write to your future self.
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Re: Help with death on 11/02/2019 11:30 AM CDT
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Thank you for the tips! Will definitely need them. And thank you GM Lyneya for helping me off the ship! It is good to be back...albeit struggling through lots of confusion and catching up with all the changes.
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Re: Help with death on 11/03/2019 06:32 AM CST
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Would love some additional advice on how I should allocate my exp points. Have not yet re-allocated using RESPEC. In a nutshell, the spells I used to have no longer seem to work. I've come to the conclusion that perhaps it's because some of those spells now require higher targeted magic experience. For example, I went to re-learn my spells from the Kalika at the Ranger guild. She made sure I was aware that I did not have the skill requirements for some of the spells but can still learn. Awaken Forest was a favorite spell of mine but now appears to be way beyond my abilities. Would anyone have a moment to review my experience stats and provide some pointers on what I should shift around? I heard Mech Lore no longer exists so I can shift those points elsewhere (but not to TM, correct?). Would love to hear from the experienced gurus out there!

SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning/Mindstate Fraction
Shield Usage: 38 55% clear (0/34) Light Armor: 175 56% clear (0/34)
Chain Armor: 64 29% clear (0/34) Plate Armor: 11 81% clear (0/34)
Defending: 183 39% clear (0/34) Parry Ability: 169 11% clear (0/34)
Small Edged: 74 99% clear (0/34) Large Edged: 186 64% clear (0/34)
Twohanded Edged: 3 93% clear (0/34) Slings: 1 50% clear (0/34)
Bow: 162 10% clear (0/34) Staves: 0 19% clear (0/34)
Light Thrown: 13 48% clear (0/34) Brawling: 61 36% clear (0/34)
Melee Mastery: 130 50% clear (0/34) Missile Mastery: 87 68% clear (0/34)
Life Magic: 149 63% clear (0/34) Attunement: 151 86% clear (0/34)
Arcana: 56 47% clear (0/34) Targeted Magic: 10 25% clear (0/34)
Augmentation: 134 58% clear (0/34) Debilitation: 119 91% clear (0/34)
Utility: 112 18% clear (0/34) Warding: 104 67% clear (0/34)
Sorcery: 0 49% clear (0/34) Evasion: 197 80% clear (0/34)
Athletics: 160 14% clear (0/34) Perception: 186 06% clear (0/34)
Stealth: 200 85% clear (0/34) Locksmithing: 125 45% pondering (7/34)
Thievery: 27 63% clear (0/34) First Aid: 148 12% clear (0/34)
Outdoorsmanship: 186 07% clear (0/34) Skinning: 151 51% clear (0/34)
Scouting: 186 00% clear (0/34) Scholarship: 71 31% clear (0/34)
Mechanical Lore: 86 84% clear (0/34) Appraisal: 93 90% examining (13/34)
Performance: 9 29% clear (0/34) Tactics: 84 00% clear (0/34)
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Re: Help with death on 11/03/2019 07:03 AM CST
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One thing I do strongly recommend is that you train shield: It has become much more important (and trainable!) as a defense than it used to be. I set my shield to arm-worn so I won't forget to grab it when I stance to shield.

If you're in Crossing, you might want to pick up a Gauge Force (GAF) scroll from Herilo's. If you find yourself sitting down for a bit, you can cast it and research various magic skills. That will run up the ranks in a big hurry so you can cast your favorite spells again.

Good luck, and welcome back!


Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Help with death on 11/03/2019 01:38 PM CST
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Welcome back! I know it can be a trying time with so much change to deal with.

I have never heard of a RESPEC for exp. What does it say when you type the RESPEC verb? It might be only for your stats. Don't panic, though, as with the new exp boosts you will be flying through the ranks in no time and can simply bring up skills through backtraining.

Mech Lore must be converted into a craft skill in the Lore skillset: Forging, Engineering, Outfitting, Alchemy, or Enchanting. I recommend you do some reading about these or asking around before you convert. Or, even better, pick one up and practice it with 0 ranks just to see how you like it. Keep in mind that it's not the end of the world if you end up not enjoying the one you choose, as you can always simply pick a different one to train up. Just don't choose a career or hobby yet. If you need a lore skill to circle, you could also do Performance if you don't like the crafts.

Your TM and Debilitation both need to be trained against creatures of the right challenge level. Think of them like weapons. It looks like you will need to backtrain your TM in low level creatures before you can use it in your normal hunting spot.

Ryeka's suggestion to get Gauge Flow is not a bad one, just be aware that you can only use research to train Augmentation, Utility, Warding, Attunement, Arcana, and Life Magic. You must train in combat to gain TM and Debilitation.

I also recommend training Shield. In fact, while you're backtraining is a great time to pick up new armors and weapons too. You don't necessarily have to keep these, but it gives you more options.

Best of luck and feel free to reach out if you have more questions!

- Navesi

Navesi#4950 on Discord

The First Land Herald -- Zoluren's newspaper.
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Re: Help with death on 11/06/2019 12:57 PM CST
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Welcome back! I came back a few years ago after a 10+ year break, so I can relate to your pain.
As far as spells SOP and ZOP no longer exist. (BOO!! HISS!!) They have been replaced with Essence of Yew and Instinct. You'll need to work on your targeted magic with some lower level critters. Cougs out the west gate of Cursings should teach you to ~50 lessons or so, then the Young Ogres should teach you a bit more and they're right up the cliff from cougs.

I'd pick up eagles cry and stampede to start with as far as targeted magic spells to start with. Once you can cast it Carrion Call is nasty on the things you cast it on. ::snickers::
Deadfall is the replacement for branch break, so I'd get that. Swarm teaches debilitation well, especially if you do <cast creatures>, but it no longer poisons things, unfortunately.

Elanthapedia is your friend, it's replaced all the separate websites. Main address is For ranger spells the address is I'd review that often to see what you like.

Respec is for your stats if I remember right. You won't loose any experience you had.

Armor and weapons are very useful now. As some have suggested I'd set your shield to arm worn all the time. As a ranger you can have up to medium shields worn on your arm. I have my stances set up to learn some shield on all my stances. ( Parry, evasion, and shield.) Shield is very useful now. I'd get some cheap brig and plate armor to wear while you're learning target.

There's a ranger guild meeting every Tuesday at 9PM Eastern, if you're in game I'd go there as you can learn of lot of what to do or not to do there.

My discord Id is Bluefalcon1#2976.
And to join discord (replaces AIM) for rangers you can go to : For DR discord it's (Not sure about the last link.

Have any questions please let us know.

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Re: Help with death on 11/10/2019 06:26 AM CST
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Thank you for all the pointers! Yes, lots to learn and hopefully I'll be on my way soon. Feel like a baby wearing pointy objects and knowing very little about everything. Added you on discord, thanks for that as well :).

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