Justice Updates and TF on 05/02/2015 04:21 PM CDT
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Raesh & the other powers that be,

Any chance you could take a look at the fine drainage rate in TF? Or perhaps the new fine model in general?

The reason that I ask is that in TF, characters tend to train 24/7. Any drain rate mechanic that relies on overall time (rather than logged-in time) is much more punitive in TF since the characters train constantly. This was an issue with divine outrage that basically prevented all use of DO generating abilities in TF until Armifer tweaked the drainage system for TF.

Just as a datapoint, my last shoplifting fine was 40 plat. After which, in a moment of sheer idiocy, I ran to the bank and got hit with a 60 plat fine because I'm a necromancer. Under the old model, my fines were around 4-6 plat. I asked other people in TF what their fines are, but no one else shoplifts.

I've stopped shoplifting entirely for now. For what it's worth though, I try to practice "safe stealing" - I shoplift mostly cheap items. I never push my luck or steal too many times in one shop. A typical run gets me to about 17/34 in exp.

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Re: Justice Updates and TF on 05/02/2015 04:33 PM CDT
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Necromancers and Stealing tends to just be a bad idea in general to combine.

That said I just looked up your current charges in Ilithi (And to a lesser degree Hib). Might I suggest another province for awhile?

Wow. That's... wow. That's a lot of crimes you've wracked up since amnesty (we're talking on par with people in prime who hadn't had been getting their proper decay in something like a DECADE level of crimes). With a massive pile of felonies too (Those would be from the Necromancer/Forbidden Practices thing at a guess - I didn't parse through all of your logs for this quick glance).

The good news is you've nearly capped out the number of petty crimes the system can track in Ilithi?

How are people who aren't Necromancers doing in TF after this change? I looked at the only two Thieves online in TF right now and one had no priors and the other had a much more sane tally (All contained to one province so they could easily work around it by shifting to anther province for awhile).


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
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