Good start or not good enough? on 06/21/2010 08:42 PM CDT
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Here is where I plan my stats to be at 50th circle. I am a Dwarf and a Barbarian.

Str/Stam/Disc: 40
Int: 28
Wis: 32
Ref./Agil.: 29
Char: 30

What I'm wanting to know is, would these stats at 50th circle be considered behind, about right or ahead of 'the curve'?
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Re: Good start or not good enough? on 06/21/2010 09:19 PM CDT
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You might want to check out this spreadsheet Mazrian put together for people to put in their stats, race, guild, circle, and tdp gain from skills.(Link at the bottom) There are only three level 50 Barbarians listed, and no Dwarf Barbarians at all for some reason. The three listed have a total TDP gain from circling and skills of 8580, 8937, and 9063. In order to get the stats you listed as a Dwarf you would need to gain a total of 11947 TDPs. So unless you're training a huge number of skills, or purposefully not circling for some reason, you're probably going to have trouble hitting those stats by 50.
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Re: Good start or not good enough? on 06/21/2010 09:37 PM CDT
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Thanks for link. So, well ahead of 'the curve'...nice. I should have mentioned that yes, I do train a ton of skills, not sandbagging but not circle chasing either, back training causes me to start twitching. Also, at 32nd circle, I am well on the way to those stats.

Thanks again for info and the link.
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