New Skill Grandfathering on 09/18/2011 01:44 AM CDT
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Is the current system seen in test for granting ranks for the new skills like Melee Mastery, Missile Mastery, and Tactics the final system? Or is what we see there just temporary?
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Re: New Skill Grandfathering on 09/19/2011 01:03 AM CDT
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>>Is the current system seen in test for granting ranks for the new skills like Melee Mastery, Missile Mastery, and Tactics the final system?

Temporary. It'll probably be an average of your top 3 melee and top 2 missile, but I haven't plugged that in. I'm less sure about Tactics. It's not set in stone, for sure - I haven't put a lot of thought toward the 'right' value of Tactics yet.


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
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