Hello interested parties.
I've put a hurty thing (updated with new features) in front of the Empath guild, which can generate wounds for healing testing purposes.
There is also a hapless GM named Testone, who can be hurt with the hurty thing for healing testing purposes. I've set him up to fully heal (if he is dead) and return to the empath guild (no matter what) every five minutes, in case he dies or autodeparts or someone attempts to make off with him on a madcap escapade, or something of that sort. I'll try to keep him there as much as possible, but he may poof if my connection drops for some reason.
Also, just FYI, only Salvur has something to say about Hand of Hodierna right now, I'll get the other GLs updated within the next day or so.
To learn the new abilities, ask a guildleader about them if you have sufficient Empathy. (ASK SALVUR ABOUT UNITY, ASK SALVUR ABOUT HAND OF HODIERNA, etc.) Everyone can auto-learn persistent link in test just to keep things from being silly.
Let me know what bugs you dig up and any questions you have, Empath testers!
We must expect posterity
to view with some asperity
the marvels and the wonders
we're passing on to it;
But it should change its attitude
to one of heartfelt gratitude
when thinking of the blunders
we didn't quite commit.