Ahlen on 02/08/2012 01:28 PM CST
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As I'm quickly approaching 90th, I was looking at the titles I'd be receiving. I notice the title Ahlen, and while I think it's nifty and you don't see a ton of people wearing that title, I couldn't find what it meant. Anybody have any idea? I search through most of the languages on Epedia, but came up with nothing.

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Re: Ahlen on 03/16/2012 08:56 PM CDT
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If I remember correctly, and it's been a long time since I thought about this, it's Elven for something we have/had a (plain language) title for like warlord or fury.
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Re: Ahlen on 03/16/2012 09:06 PM CDT
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<<If I remember correctly, and it's been a long time since I thought about this, it's Elven for something we have/had a (plain language) title for like warlord or fury.>>

Absolutely correct... I just can't find my notes that says WHICH one it actually is.

GM Jaedren
Events Guy
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Re: Ahlen on 03/16/2012 09:26 PM CDT
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<<Absolutely correct... I just can't find my notes that says WHICH one it actually is.

I think Sanchiren was warlord and Ahlen was fury, but I'll admit to being pretty foggy on it.
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