Rewrite? on 06/08/2010 03:42 AM CDT
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With a possible Barbarian ability rewrite looming, or at least attention being paid to the Barb Guild, I feel time is ripe to post my meditation desires.

I see meditations being performed as preparation for battle and an open flame should be required and any distraction would cancel the process. A meditation's effect would stack with roars, dances, or berserks.

Meditate Blood: The more bleeding that a Barbarian aquires, the more effective the meditation ability. Boosts strength, stamina, agility, and reflex. 'Blood is good'!

Meditate Pack: The more Barbarians that are joined with the meditator, the more effective the meditation ability. Boosts agility, reflex, and disiplin. 'Mob Rules'!

Meditate Master: Can only be performed in the presence of a Barbarian Guild Leader. Boosts Intellegence, wisdom, disiplin, and charisma. 'A reason to visit the guildhall'!

Meditate Metal: Boosts mechlore and attack power with blades, blunts, and pole weapons. 'Hardness kills'!

Meditate Target: Boosts ranged weapons, perception, and agility. 'There you are'!

Meditate Hunt: Boosts Hiding, stalking, disiplin, and charisma. 'Shhhh'!

Meditate Scent: Gives the meditator the ability to sence the race of hiders in the room or the general direction of a named target

Meditate Hangover: RP meditation for those days of debauchery adding adverbs to actions and adjectives to nouns, coloring up a festive experience.

Just a couple thoughts ... -Xixist
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Re: Rewrite? on 06/08/2010 09:36 PM CDT
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I likey.
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