Do you meditate? on 05/14/2013 05:25 PM CDT
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I'm just curious, do the meditations become much a higher level? Right now, the 'leave combat and sit' restriction means I just flat out don't use tenacity, even if I'd love to have it running all the time, it's simply not practical.

So, my question is:

A) Do you guys use combat (note, this is an important distinction) meditations such as tenacity often, in a regular hunting routine?

B) What is the duration of a meditation based on? The last time I looked at the Barb pages on Epedia they weren't super-helpful on things like this.

C) Is there any plan to, eventually, allow some form of combat-start?

D) When chakrel (summon Madigan?) is finally released, and bear in mind I'm concerned with low-level accessible gear not fest/auction/rare stuff, will it be primarily oriented to increasing meditation speed, or will it effect potency in some way, or have an additional interlock (I'm aware that high-level stuff has been discussed to maybe refill IF, and that it's too soon to have formal word on this from Kodius)

Angry self loathing inside.
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Re: Do you meditate? on 05/14/2013 06:12 PM CDT
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>> A) Do you guys use combat (note, this is an important distinction) meditations such as tenacity often, in a regular hunting routine?

All the time - arguably Contemplation/Tenacity are our best buffs. Why? They don't tax IF recovery or regen.

>> B) What is the duration of a meditation based on? The last time I looked at the Barb pages on Epedia they weren't super-helpful on things like this.

Uh, I think it's based on Augmentation but don't quote me on that. Mine tend to last about 40 minutes, give or take.

>> C) Is there any plan to, eventually, allow some form of combat-start?

Considering their high initial cost, not sure. You can get em started in combat by using roars, though. I'll never use em like that but I guess I could see why people would want to start em there. I know that if combat-start is penalized in any way, I wouldn't ever use them like that.

>> D) When chakrel (summon Madigan?) is finally released, and bear in mind I'm concerned with low-level accessible gear not fest/auction/rare stuff, will it be primarily oriented to increasing meditation speed, or will it effect potency in some way, or have an additional interlock (I'm aware that high-level stuff has been discussed to maybe refill IF, and that it's too soon to have formal word on this from Kodius)

Not a GM or anything, but as far as I know - Chakrel will just work like IF batteries. The Chakrel amulets already cut down on meditation RT, and I can't really think of any other ways that they could be used that wouldn't give major boosts across the boards and possibly upset w/e semblance of balance they currently have. IDK though.

Oh, and you meant Magdar :-) <3 Magdar

IM: Dannyboy00001111

"Fool proof system do not take into account the ingenuity of fools, nor the power of numbers."
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Re: Do you meditate? on 05/14/2013 06:50 PM CDT
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>> A) Do you guys use combat (note, this is an important distinction) meditations such as tenacity often, in a regular hunting routine?

Just to piggy back on Gorts great responses, I always use a meditation at the start of a hunting routine, and usually it runs out at the tail end, about 40 minutes or so. I'll either pop it back up or pop it up when I go to a different area to backtrain or whatever.

My current go to set up for when I hunt at level is.

Med Tenacity

Form Bear
Form Monkey
Form Swan
Form Piranha

The forms should be started in that order because I believe that makes swan and piranha slightly more effective.

If Im looking to kill stuff and for backtraining I do

Form Bear
Form Dragon/Eagle
Form Swan <- just for warding
Form Panther (if Im training stealth)
Bers Wild
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Re: Do you meditate? on 05/14/2013 08:57 PM CDT
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Going to echo Gort. I use Contemplation/Tenacity every hunting trip.

Augmentation is the skill used to determine power/duration of our abilities but for Tenacity specifically (and our anti-magic abilities) Warding plays a role somehow. Mine tend to last 35-40'ish minutes, though I'm not too sure. I do know Tenacity always ends before Contemplation despite me always activating Contemplation first.

Individuals, families, countries, continents are destroyed at the heavy hand of Vinjince.

-GM Abasha
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Re: Do you meditate? on 05/14/2013 09:42 PM CDT
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Hrm. May be why I have such lackluster results from Tenacity, I've still got 0 warding. Should hit 11 tomorrow, so then I'll be able to pick up a warding form, see if that changes my mind after I get a few dozen ranks.

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Re: Do you meditate? on 05/14/2013 09:45 PM CDT
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Honestly with my lower barb I do, monkey, swan, piranha, all day. The medd I use with my higher one.
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Re: Do you meditate? on 05/15/2013 09:55 AM CDT
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Not terribly often, but I'm not overhunting. Tenacity and Contemplation do last a good while, maybe 30m or so for me?

I find I'm usually running offensive buffs, which considering I can't hold berserks for... at all... is kind of frustrating. Bear and Dragon/Eagle pretty much.
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Re: Do you meditate? on 05/18/2013 01:03 AM CDT
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Im 80+ and I use Swan/Pir/Monkey to train and it works great. Just to give you an idea of how long you can go with not using Meds to train.
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