Codiax -
This isn't really a conflict per se, at least I don't intend it to be. But some examples:
During the discussion on berserk costs, you accused me of A) lying about numbers and then B) hiding my identity like a coward (both of which I instantly provided when asked). To your credit, you thanked me afterwards for providing them. During this recent discussion about a battery-like inner fire feat, you quit thoroughly defecated on my alternative idea (use chakrel) and then accused me of trolling and having an agenda. I'm not sure what this agenda is? Destroying the guild I love, you seem to be implying?
This isn't just recent though, it's a posting habit that goes a long way back. You have a hair-trigger friend, and the instant you perceive disagreement, the sword comes out (appropriate given we're barbarians I guess).
I understand I am hardly guilt-less myself. I mostly have a bad habit of sometimes interjecting when I have nothing constructive to add (LOTS of posters do this on the board, to be fair), and sometimes I can be unintentionally provocative, whether it's through my choice of wording or whatever. I'm actively working to prune both of these habits.
I've been working really hard the past week to measure IF data and plot the progressional cost of our abilities, but reactions like this are single-handedly making me want to just say "screw the boards" and keep the data to myself so I can maximize inner fire usage.
tl ; dr Please try to remain objective when you don't like my ideas and not make your attacks so personal. Also, let's get along, OKAY?
Re: Codiax on 02/16/2013 09:23 AM CST
Re: Codiax on 02/16/2013 09:29 AM CST
Re: Codiax on 02/16/2013 10:42 AM CST
>>During the discussion on berserk costs, you accused me of A) lying about numbers and then B) hiding my identity like a coward
Actually I said you were either lying, something was bugged with you, or you didn't know what you were talking. A couple other people with double IF as you have tried what you said you could infinitely keep up out of combat and couldn't. So which was it? Pretty accurate accusation. (If it means anything I don't think you were lying)
Squanto had a great idea, I was defending it, that's all. (I'll respond again in the thread) Some people came in and tried to completely change the idea. I know how that goes, and then the original idea gets completely lost. Vinjince had a pretty good post about it in Conflicts.
Forged Weapons:
Actually I said you were either lying, something was bugged with you, or you didn't know what you were talking. A couple other people with double IF as you have tried what you said you could infinitely keep up out of combat and couldn't. So which was it? Pretty accurate accusation. (If it means anything I don't think you were lying)
Squanto had a great idea, I was defending it, that's all. (I'll respond again in the thread) Some people came in and tried to completely change the idea. I know how that goes, and then the original idea gets completely lost. Vinjince had a pretty good post about it in Conflicts.
Forged Weapons:
Re: Codiax on 02/18/2013 12:21 PM CST