Barbarian Circle Requirements on 03/16/2012 01:16 AM CDT
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Barbarians did not undergo very substantial changes with the new reqs. Here are the highlights:

* No more 5th Weapon. It was silly to only require it very late in the game.
* Conversely, 4th weapon is a real requirement now. It's small, but barbarians aren't called weaponmasters for nothing.
* You have a Mastery requirement on par with your primary weapon reqs. This means that you need to decide on a branch of weapons (melee or ranged) to stick with.
* You have a minor Tactics requirement. It's pretty stupid easy to maintain, and it's more of a flavor requirement than anything - Barbarians should have some knowledge of position and such.
* Your Inner Fire requirement is on par with a Ranger's 1st Magic req.
* Your first and second Supernatural reqs mean that you can choose which style of ability to use most. However, when ranks are grandfathered, they will be in this order:
Augmentation - Grandfathered at a rate of 1st Supernatural
Debilitation - Granfathered at a rate of 2nd Supernatural
Warding - Grandfathered at a rate of 1 per circle
* Since your app, mech, and scholarship requirements were utterly asinine, they've been removed.
* You have far fewer survival reqs now. Where you had 10 (ten!) before, you now only have 4.
* Consider, though, that your 7th-10th survival reqs were worthless - Once you had 20 ranks, you essentially never needed to worry about them again. Thus, it's really safest to suggest that you only had 6 survival reqs.
* Evasion is now a hard requirement. It does not count as an Nth Survival. You're barbarians. Your top survival is always going to be evasion unless you're sitting in namby pamby classes all day.

Restricted Skills
Targeted Magic

1st Armor34456
2nd Armor12234
1st Weapon45666
2nd Weapon45666
3rd Weapon23345
4th Weapon12234
Primary Mastery45666
1st Supernatural11223
2nd Supernatural00223
Inner Fire12233
1st Survival22333
2nd Survival22333
3rd Survival22233
4th Survival11222
1st Lore11223


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
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