Question Please on 03/19/2020 11:30 PM CDT
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While exploring the guild in The Crossing, I found a curtained archway with a sign over it saying, "Vishlan's Wares" inviting me to come in and shop. At first, it said I was too young to enter, but after some ferocious fighting with some cougars, Agonar promoted me and I was now experienced enough.

So I climbed the stair, excited to continue exploring the guild, only to bonk my nose. The guard just says if I break it, I buy it, which is good business sense. But what am I bonking my nose on?

I've tried pushing, poking, pulling, turning, picking, saluting, shaking, kicking all to no avail. Is there a clue somewhere I missed how to get beyond the arch?

Aranyax, Initiate Barbarian
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Re: Question Please on 03/20/2020 02:18 AM CDT
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Vishlan's Wares has been closed for 7+ years. According to forum posts from 2013, there was a buggy item in the store inventory causing problems so they closed the shop. Presumably they intended to fix that item and reopen the shop but that never happened. It's moot, but when it was open there was also a 10th circle requirement to enter.
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