Ah, the good old days on 10/08/2014 04:39 PM CDT
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You step up to Fearsome and say, "I challenge you to The Pain in a contest of skill!"
Fearsome accepts your challenge.
You begin to advance on Fearsome.
Fearsome closes his eyes and breathes deeply.
You let out the wild, crazed roar of Everild!
Captain Halasael drools mindlessly at the sound of your roar.
Fearsome just came out of hiding after hearing your roar.
Fearsome is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Divy is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Reolf looks unimpressed by your roar.
Sathraine is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Valloa looks unimpressed by your roar.
Ackusa is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Cherone is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Rendorli is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Ghoste looks more powerful after listening to your roar.
You close to pole weapon range on Fearsome.
>jab Fearsome
< Moving with powerful grace, you charge a reinforced cinquedea at Fearsome. Fearsome barely blocks with a jousting shield. The cinquedea lands a devastating hit that drives the reinforced cinquedea under the sternum to pierce the heart.
[You're invigorated, incredibly balanced and overwhelming opponent.]
[Roundtime 6 sec.]
As Fearsome slumps unconscious, you back off. The challenge is satisfied!

Rhadyn da Dwarb
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Re: Ah, the good old days on 01/08/2016 03:59 AM CST
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Good stuff! I miss those days! Anyone still have the file from the Barb Meet N Greet where another barb roared and stunned a room full of folks? I still remember sitting there trying to figure out what had just happened.
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Re: Ah, the good old days on 01/08/2016 11:00 AM CST
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Well...I have this one.

You let out the wild, crazed roar of Everild!
Palauprin is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Brrax looks more powerful after listening to your roar.
Sammee is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Athesa looks more powerful after listening to your roar.
Dseth is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Lerdun is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Drevid looks more powerful after listening to your roar.
Xheather is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Blazzon looks more powerful after listening to your roar.
Levante is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Vaye looks more powerful after listening to your roar.
Tarshan is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Harrenhal is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Kalyra is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Zakarious is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Blasword is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Tinin is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Mazrian is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Emale looks more powerful after listening to your roar.
Lakus looks more powerful after listening to your roar.
Zeeza looks more powerful after listening to your roar.
Myrkahn is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Sonjha is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Valcer is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Tzaar looks more powerful after listening to your roar.
Azmit is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Purreliss is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Silus is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Erlott looks more powerful after listening to your roar.
Vector is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Geesu is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Tenion is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Gulshan is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Gokuukun is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Remthus is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Ketrianna is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Katrynya is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Cris is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Luciae is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Mancouso is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Myntern is stunned, with an expression of true fear.

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
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Re: Ah, the good old days on 01/08/2016 12:17 PM CST
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Plenty of names on that list that bring back some memories.
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Re: Ah, the good old days on 01/08/2016 01:10 PM CST
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Yeah I remember using the stat figurines and roaring shriek with my old barbarian and slaughtering a ton of folks haha. That and Kaith andru being absolutely brutal.
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