Webpage has some info that was not discussed at the meeting tonight. I'm updating it to include this stuff even as I post.
Barbarian meeting: SUMMARY
-Warpaint is not a primary system. It's a significant one, but it's meant to enhance, not stand-alone as a new feature for Barbarians.
-To see the commands for applications, STUDY MY PAINTSTICK
-Basic warpaint is merely fluff. Savage and Berserk warpaints serve a couple (but not all) of the functions listed below. Plunderer warpaint can be used in every way listed below:
(Note that each of these uses makes your warpaint fade some.)
-He does not specify what each of these does. However, one of the passive effects is looking 'scary' (see the webpage for an explanation of the messaging).
-The ability to paint is determined by stats and mech lore. The mech requirement for successful painting is not very big. (NOTE: With just over 100 mech I seem to be able to paint myself and others with no penalty)
-Only Barbs can paint. To let Barbs paint them, non-Barbs must CONSENT, be friendly, and then KNEEL.
Iayn exclaims, "Yes, we have brought all the other guilds to us on their knees!"
Iayn says, "So any non-barb you see with warpaint,"
Iayn says, "You know for a fact,"
Iayn says, "has knelt to a barbarian."
Iayn says, "Do me a favor and point that out as much as possible."
-Only two colors can be combined. They keep the same number of applications however. For example, combining a flame-red paintstick (10 uses) and a bone-white painstick (10 uses) will make a flame-red and bone-white paintstick (10 uses). The only exception to this is combining sticks of the same color. Same color/type sticks can be combined up to 30 applications (3 paintsticks). Good way to save inventory space!
-The spiritual warpaint in Orgesh's tent simply refers to custom warpaint. He functions just like any other alterer, and will not always be around. (See Iayn's paint below)
Iayn: Painted across his face is a broad swath of night-black and white warpaint that covers his forehead, eyes, and right cheek and swipes down and across his heavily muscled torso. Black and white warpaint covers Iayn's massive biceps and forearms with angular barbaric symbols of death and destruction.
-Custom warpaint rules:
Iayn says, "1. The odds of you getting more than one custom warpaint ever, are very very slim."
Iayn says, "so think it over and get what you want the first time."
Iayn says, "2. It has to by symbolic in nature, Osgeth might ask for your reasons."
Iayn says, "3. It has to be something that could be painted in about a minute, no super detailed tattoo-like warpaint patterns."
Iayn says, "4. It can have whatever colors you want, but Osgeth has the final say, some things he might not do."
Iayn says, "5. Try to keep it relatively short and pithy."
Iayn says, "6. Not everyone is going to get custom paint, it is a limited limited item."
Iayn says, "But we'll do our best."
Iayn says, "On an ooc note, it cannot have a lot of "your" or "his/hers" in it."
Iayn says, "at most three, and it might have to have less, depending on the actual description."
Iayn says, "that's a technical limitation, so I can't relax that."
Iayn says, "custom warpaint kits will have a lot of uses, like ten to twenty paintsticks worth, maybe more,"
Iayn says, "and they will be refillable."
Iayn says, "They won't be cheap, at least the cost of the paint that's in them."
Iayn says, "I wanted to give you all the details on them since the rules are more specific than usual."
Iayn says, "Now, let's see."
Iayn says, "Only Osgeth will be refilling them."
-Mark of shame: Barbarians can apply warpaint to helpless (ie: dead, immobilized, etc) targets. They can then be combined with warstamps. Iayn demonstrated this on Magdar. See below. Be sure to smear all the dead mages you see! To mark someone who is helpless, APPLY PAINT TO HELPLESS <person>. Note that when it's a mark it is PAINT, not WARPAINT.
You see Kuniyo's Fist Magdar Bluefletch, Legendary Barbarian of M'Riss, a Dwarf.
He has deep-set stormy grey eyes and a broken nose. His bright orange-streaked golden brown hair is shoulder length and thick, and is worn arranged in a mohawk. He has copper skin and a brawny build. Painted on his face in fresh blue is "Kick Me."
-Roars that are affected by titles are scheduled to be changed to being modified by warpaint instead, via a warpaint check.
-Warpaint is not modified by circle. Skill? Yes. But not circle. Time it lasts is modified by stats/mech lore.
-Wearing paint does not make you more suseptible to fire damage (sorry Mages). No plans on making warpaint available to horses, items, etc.
-The design you wear and the location you wear it on affect its strength sometimes. Iayn specified, however, that the different colors are purely cosmetic (that is his exact word). So location and design? Maybe. Color? No.
-Warpaint cannot be worn with facepaint or a forehead gem. This will not change.
-Feature-hiding masks and visored helms hide warpaint. He would not say if the bonus was still active or not. However, it can be used (SCREAM, MEDITATE, etc), so I would guess 'yes.'
-Osgeth's tent is not permanent. Warpaint should appear in Vishlan's shop soon (permanently), but Osgeth shall leave eventually.
-Non-Barbarians do not get any real bonus beyond RP aspects. it is possible for warpaint to be detrimental to non-Barbs, but iayn would not specify how. Possibly related to the APPLY PAINT TO HELPLESS thing?
-Swimming does not wash off warpaint (yay!)
-Warpaint does not directly affect dances or berserks. It does not boost IF regeneration. However, whatever it DOES do can affect dances/berserks/roars. Intimidation bonus is almost a surefire thing. Other speculation?
Malkien the Barbarian has already been to the moon: that's why there are no signs of life there.
Apis the Cleric's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.
Metting summary (for convenience) on 02/02/2006 11:08 PM CST
Re: Metting summary (for convenience) on 02/03/2006 01:38 AM CST
Re: Metting summary (for convenience) on 02/03/2006 02:14 AM CST
Re: Metting summary (for convenience) on 02/03/2006 10:44 AM CST
Sorry Fleming. I cross-posted in the new folder (Warpaint). I specified that it was not my post and, for the sake of truncation, summarized it. Thank you for posting it. For future reference, it is much simpler to create a log file then copy and paste every line, if that's what you meant you did. I saved a log file and was going to post it but you beat me to it. Thank you for posting. However, I took the time of truncating it myself both from your post and my log. I appreciate your effort, but like fifty people were there. Posting a summary of what was said does not dispel the usefulness of your efforts.
Malkien the Barbarian has already been to the moon: that's why there are no signs of life there.
Apis the Cleric's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.
Malkien the Barbarian has already been to the moon: that's why there are no signs of life there.
Apis the Cleric's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.