Aww.. on 02/10/2006 07:03 PM CST
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[Malk'smo Holding Cell]
The polished dark granite floor yields seamlessly to slick granite walls leaving not the slightest crevice to begin scratching an escape. Polished steel bars cover a small vent high on one wall. Dark rich grain in the highly polished granite serves only to emphasize the depth and quality of the stone. There is no escape from this cell, only release. You also see a canvas cot and a gold plated door.
Obvious exits: none.
The guards douse you with water, washing away your warpaint.

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Re: Aww.. on 02/13/2006 01:37 PM CST
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Let us not forget in testing that it was mentioned that both areas of application, patterns, and paint color all 'could' have something to do with the effect. This would lead one to believe that, for example, painting one's self with a crimson bear on face and arms might be the greatest possable boost for the scream warpaint. Well, the point being that testing will end up being much more involved and continue for some time to come. We barbarians could'nt ask for a better task.
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