Update on pending forging system? on 04/29/2008 03:49 PM CDT
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I stumbled across this when reading up in the Barb section on the main page. It kinda cracked me up...

>>Weapon Forging

>>A barbarian's inherent understanding of weapons makes him or her a natural at the forge. Anyone can forge a crude weapon, but only barbarians can produce legendary quality weapons sought after by all.

Sooo any update on whether Barbs will be able to forge better weapons in the new system than everyone else? I mean:

Anyone else + skills = weapon
Barb + (same)skills SHOULD = better weapon (according to what is written on play.net, no matter what.

Just curious.

--Lonur Hellstar
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 04/29/2008 05:29 PM CDT
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Click on Smithing.
~Ternith Sjomah

Yolesi snorts and says to you, "Looks like you've been on a samatak binge. That's illegal, even in these parts, and I don't want any part of that trouble."
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 04/29/2008 06:24 PM CDT
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>Sooo any update on whether Barbs will be able to forge better weapons in the new system than everyone else? I mean:

Yes. Word is "no". A rank is a rank for all of the new creation systems, with special perks that do other things by guild.

Elemancer Opieus, Journeyman Warrior Mage of Elanthia
>Aren't I pretty, now fall down on my ice, fool! ~ Axillus
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 04/30/2008 06:44 AM CDT
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<<>Sooo any update on whether Barbs will be able to forge better weapons in the new system than everyone else? I mean:

<<Yes. Word is "no". A rank is a rank for all of the new creation systems, with special perks that do other things by guild.

Though nothing is set in stone yet. That is just the current proposal.

player of Celeiros

Climbing List:http://www.elanthipedia.com/wiki/Climbing_skill
Swimming List:http://www.elanthipedia.com/wiki/Swimming_skill

And while I am evil, I try to avoid being just plain mean.
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 05/21/2008 01:17 PM CDT
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>> Yes. Word is "no". A rank is a rank for all of the new creation systems, with special perks that do other things by guild.

So... barbarians, Elanthia's weapon masters, get a bonus to neither using nor crafting weapons...
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 05/21/2008 01:32 PM CDT
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>So... barbarians, Elanthia's weapon masters, get a bonus to neither using nor crafting weapons...

Barbarians will have some advantages in weapon forging, it just won't be a straight rank boost. And barbarians have plenty of special abilities that boost weapon skill. I suggest you read more about the system before you complain.
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 05/21/2008 03:44 PM CDT
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And more about barbarians, frankly.

~Ternith Sjomah

Yolesi snorts and says to you, "Looks like you've been on a samatak binge. That's illegal, even in these parts, and I don't want any part of that trouble."
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 05/21/2008 05:50 PM CDT
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Since Thieves get a bonus to their skills while in town, I suggest Barbarians get a bonus to their skills while in combat!

Tyrants are always loved until they are deposed. Long Live The Tyrants!
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 05/21/2008 05:56 PM CDT
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I was thinking we should have a "hidden" bonus like rangers and thieves do for Survival type things, and Paladins get for armor.

Just base it on our IF.
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 05/21/2008 07:45 PM CDT
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>>Barbarians will have some advantages in weapon forging, it just won't be a straight rank boost. And barbarians have plenty of special abilities that boost weapon skill. I suggest you read more about the system before you complain.

I meant rank to rank... should have included that.

Wasn't really a complaint either... although it always seemed to me that the crafting bonus for barbs made sense.
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 05/21/2008 07:50 PM CDT
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>Wasn't really a complaint either... although it always seemed to me that the crafting bonus for barbs made sense.

It making sense is moot. The fact that it's next to impossible to balance it means that bonuses will come from something other than the core system.

Elemancer Opieus, Journeyman Warrior Mage of Elanthia
>Aren't I pretty, now fall down on my ice, fool! ~ Axillus
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 05/21/2008 10:39 PM CDT
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>It making sense is moot.

Yes, making sense can never be good.

Tyrants are always loved until they are deposed. Long Live The Tyrants!
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 05/22/2008 12:10 AM CDT
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>Yes, making sense can never be good.

I suggest you look up the definition of moot.

Elemancer Opieus, Journeyman Warrior Mage of Elanthia
>Aren't I pretty, now fall down on my ice, fool! ~ Axillus
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 05/22/2008 12:59 AM CDT
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>Yes, making sense can never be good.

This has nothing to do with making sense. Why? Because I can argue the cases of bonuses in several different ways that all make sense. What is important is a consistant and balanced design approach and the ruling has been on a lore based system that does not have guild specific bonuses built into the formulas.

GM Oolan Jeel

"This island is made mainly of coal and surrounded by fish. Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish at the same time." Aneurin Bevan, May 1945, on World War II rationing and shortages in England.
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 05/22/2008 06:32 AM CDT
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i'd still like to see something that gives the established forgers at least a small "head's up"- namely, give some type of bonus based on number of weapons forged or armor fitted. That way it won't leave those that already have spent a decent amount of time crafting weapons/armor out in the cold.

<<Because it's a gigantic can of worms. Eldritch, necrotic, squamous worms, writhing in a vile stew of coagulating ichor, crushed from the living gullets of a thousand infant puppies, ululating in wordless terror. - Lorz>>
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 05/22/2008 06:36 AM CDT
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IOW - barbarians are done with forging (unless you've already got thousands of hours put into mech lore).

But really, who wants to spend all of their spare time gaining ranks in a forge? That's what barely atk alts are for...

The whole thing smells very bad to me - skills like mech lore and foraging are DR's weak spot (because of what they force players to spend massive amounts of time doing) and there shouldn't be more of them. But this has been imminent for many years - hopefully it will be another few before anything happens.
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 05/22/2008 06:56 AM CDT
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I'd like to see the established forgers all get a mark, no matter the guild.

The system is already in place for anyone that trained the skills to be able to forge but for the barbarian bonus to the grinding

Any trader, empath, warmage etc that worked all these years towards it can forge. Averalaan can pound out a severe slice mod impact 36 stone claymore for example. She just cannot grind it to bone crushing slice low impact. She can cap light and heavy chain armors.

As I've said on the lore page all they would really have to do is remove the current limitations to grinding if they wanted everyone to be able to finish off their weapons to the same extent. But was met with the response that Solomon wants all of the creation system based off lore. At that point I stopped posting on it. Sadly the barbarians will be getting hit more from this lore based change then Averalaan and other guilds will be.

Barbarians being the best weapon forgers never bothered me, what I never understood was why paladins weren't the best armor forgers, why there was no restriction there as well. I also don't understand is why it has to be based off lore when the system is already available for everyone but for that grinding limitation. Base the new stuff off lore if they want, not forging. But that's just my opinion.
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 05/22/2008 06:56 AM CDT
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>>The whole thing smells very bad to me - skills like mech lore and foraging are DR's weak spot (because of what they force players to spend massive amounts of time doing) and there shouldn't be more of them. But this has been imminent for many years - hopefully it will be another few before anything happens.

I am of the opinion that the new approach to lore is not an expansion of the problem but rather a change in direction which (so far at least) looks like it could very well be a solution to the problem you mentioned.

Mech lore isn't weak because it forces you to spend massive amounts of time doing it. The same is true for every skill and guild in DR, combat skills included. My Barbarian must spend massive amounts of time in combat in order to get better at combat.

The problem with lore is that there is little to no material payoff. Whereas more combat ranks means (on a general level) more money, more ability to kill people I dislike, more esteem from many of my peers and more bragging rights, the reward for mech ranks is secluded almost entirely to bragging rights of a dubious kind.

I think the biggest cause of this is that crafting calculations favors combat ranks, not mech lore. In other words, training swords gives you yet one more reward (ability to forge swords better) while mech still has a big fat zero.

Separating and switching this formula changes things drastically. Making item creation more desirable - and making it heavily favor lore ranks - means that there is now an actual material reward for those lore ranks.

More combat ranks means more money and more esteem from your combat peers. More lore ranks means more money and more esteem from your paying customers. I think this approach heavily mirrors the approach of WoW, and I also think the Wow approach happens to be very well-designed. Symmetry is a beautiful thing.
Doctor: Are you Alliance?
Early: Am I lion? Huh. I don't think of myself as a lion. But you might as well have a mighty roar!
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 05/22/2008 01:05 PM CDT
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>This has nothing to do with making sense. Why? Because I can argue the cases of bonuses in several different ways that all make sense. What is important is a consistant and balanced design approach and the ruling has been on a lore based system that does not have guild specific bonuses built into the formulas.

I understand completely, but I have seen over the years how logic has been unequally applied in the past so that guild A's ability makes sense from only guild A's perspective.

My comment was more along the lines of past experiences, not necessarily forging 2.0, even though I believe Barbarians and Paladins should benefit more from their primary skillsets when creating weapons and armor.

Tyrants are always loved until they are deposed. Long Live The Tyrants!
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 05/22/2008 02:26 PM CDT
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>>I believe Barbarians and Paladins should benefit more from their primary skillsets when creating weapons and armor.

I second that motion entirely.

--Lonur Hellstar

[Alisyn] "Drevid i think part of your scimitar is still in my abdomen"

[Ohuzewicasta] "Nah, he's just happy to see you"
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 05/23/2008 04:25 PM CDT
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>This has nothing to do with making sense. Why? Because I can argue the cases of bonuses in several different ways that all make sense. What is important is a consistant and balanced design approach and the ruling has been on a lore based system that does not have guild specific bonuses built into the formulas.

So essentially those of us that spent thousands of hours in the forge already learning the system, creating mixes and establishing ourselves as the best forgers and have proven that by earning our Maker's Mark are getting to take a back seat overall to empaths and traders who can afford the time to sit and fold paper if they so choose to dump their mech into smithing. I spent thousands of hours working in the forge learning how the metals interact with each other, how compression works, all the little ins and outs of it. But as of now, I've heard nothing that says that means anything in this new system. Matter of fact GMs have said that it doesn't.
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Re: Update on pending forging system? on 05/23/2008 06:15 PM CDT
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<<So essentially those of us that spent thousands of hours in the forge already learning the system, creating mixes and establishing ourselves as the best forgers and have proven that by earning our Maker's Mark are getting to take a back seat overall to empaths and traders who can afford the time to sit and fold paper if they so choose to dump their mech into smithing.




Cylons... why debugging matters.
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:Nudge: Update on pending forging system? on 05/23/2008 10:41 PM CDT
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Let's not let this one get out of hand everyone. Please keep the criticism constructive. I'd also recommend visiting the Lore folders and posting any suggestions you might have for both forging and the lore system as a whole. Thanks.

Questions and/or comments can be sent to MOD-Hagbar@play.net, Senior Board Moderator Annwyl at DR-Annwyl@play.net or Board Supervisor Cecco at DR-Cecco@play.net.
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Re: :Nudge: Update on pending forging system? on 05/24/2008 05:18 PM CDT
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That's the whole problem and is what we've basically been told to shut up about. My suggestion would be that forging doesn't belong in the Lore folder ;>
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Re: :Nudge: Update on pending forging system? on 05/24/2008 06:49 PM CDT
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>>That's the whole problem and is what we've basically been told to shut up about. My suggestion would be that forging doesn't belong in the Lore folder ;>

I won't go so far as to say you've been told to shut up. However, you have all been told quite clearly that this is the chosen direction of developement per the top bosses and that arguing isn't going to change their minds.

GM Oolan Jeel

"This island is made mainly of coal and surrounded by fish. Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish at the same time." Aneurin Bevan, May 1945, on World War II rationing and shortages in England.
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Re: :Nudge: Update on pending forging system? on 05/25/2008 11:51 AM CDT
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So can I get my 100 plat back for the Maker's Mark that will be meaningless once the 100th+ circle traders and empaths decide to start forging with their insane mech skills and I won't be able to keep up even if I spent all day every day in there?
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Re: :Nudge: Update on pending forging system? on 05/25/2008 12:00 PM CDT
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And I would Oolan, we've been told this is the way it's going to be so don't even bother to try to discuss it because it won't happen regardless of what the people actually paying for the game want.

As of now, non paladins can cap armor, non barbs can grind but can't cap. Here's the simple solution, make everyone able to cap with enough ranks in the weapons. Then everyone's happy. But we won't go that way, we'll just change it so lore tert guilds are screwed over completely.
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Re: :Nudge: Update on pending forging system? on 05/25/2008 12:29 PM CDT
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>>...that will be meaningless once the 100th+ circle traders and empaths decide to start forging with their insane mech skills and I won't be able to keep up even if I spent all day every day in there?

I've asked this once before, but don't recall receiving an answer. It's not a rethorical question, but I request an answer that does not appeal to tradition.

Why does one guild deserve to have both the most comprehensive set of combat abilities in the game and the largest stake in the most profitable non-combat activity in the game? Why do you deserve to have both when those Traders and Empaths you deride have neither?

We have no problems saying a Moon Mage will not keep up with a Barbarian in physical combat. We have no problems saying a Warrior Mage will not keep up with a Thief learning to sneak. We have no problems saying a Paladin will not keep up with a Cleric in magic use. Why then do Barbarians deserve such mastery? I want to understand your argument, rather than just ignoring constant stream of emotions regarding the topic.

"It is no longer possible to escape men. Farewell to the monsters, farewell to the saints. Farewell to pride. All that is left is men."
- Jean-Paul Sartre
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Re: :Nudge: Update on pending forging system? on 05/25/2008 01:05 PM CDT
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>>And I would Oolan, we've been told this is the way it's going to be so don't even bother to try to discuss it because it won't happen regardless of what the people actually paying for the game want.

Please don't go there. There are "people actually paying for the game" on all possible sides of this discussion. Believe it or not we actually charge bards and traders the same amount to play the game as we do barbarians. War mages and Moon mages also share this same pay rate. In fact, I do believe that even commoners are charged the same rate. This isn't a discussion about how we should cater game design to any one person or groups tastes because they are paying customers. This is a discussion about moving forward with a new design approach on creation systems for ALL paying and playing customers and as I've said before we have reached a point where any decision made will upset some group.

>>As of now, non paladins can cap armor, non barbs can grind but can't cap. Here's the simple solution, make everyone able to cap with enough ranks in the weapons. Then everyone's happy. But we won't go that way, we'll just change it so lore tert guilds are screwed over completely.

That is one possible route. It was discussed and declined. As for the second part about lore tert guilds and their eventual competence within the system, that is pure conjecture. Just as you are completely grasping at straws to proclaim that traders and bards will become without exception the new weaponsmiths of the realms. I understand the cause of your concern and the source and logic of these claims but how about you wait until we can give you a few more details or perhaps even let us finish coding the system before you hop on the doom and gloom wagon and declare that we have completely destroyed the game? The decision to open the design to all guilds was made long before I was on staff and the choice of skills (which I fully support I will admit) was made by Ssra, Dartenian and Solomon. It will happen in one form or other as a shift to a lore focus in full or in large part. Continuing to argue the point is rather like trying to deny the existance of gravity. You can jump off a building and deny gravity all you want, but in the end the ground will still make a very strong argument for you having been wrong. I personally recomend you not make the leap, not deny the obvious and instead look for ways to make it work for you.

All I've heard to this point is how horrible it is to be forced to work a tertiary skill. However, quite frankly I've got a warrior mage who has evasion nearly on par with TM, one armor already over his weapon skills (and it is an armor I started working much later in his career) he can pop his own boxes, skin most of what he hunts and guess what? Those are all tertiary skills. If you really want to focus on being a barbarian weapon smith I promise it will be quite possible to do. Yes, it means less time spent hunting to pull off rather than the current model of hunting being what makes you a better smith. I'm sorry for that planned change hurting you. But it isn't a hurdle which cannot be overcome.

GM Oolan Jeel

"This island is made mainly of coal and surrounded by fish. Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish at the same time." Aneurin Bevan, May 1945, on World War II rationing and shortages in England.
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Re: :Nudge: Update on pending forging system? on 05/25/2008 01:19 PM CDT
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I fully support the direction that forging is going, but I wanted to make one quick comment:

>All I've heard to this point is how horrible it is to be forced to work a tertiary skill. However, quite frankly I've got a warrior mage who has evasion nearly on par with TM, one armor already over his weapon skills (and it is an armor I started working much later in his career) he can pop his own boxes, skin most of what he hunts and guess what? Those are all tertiary skills.

If the forging skill(s) can only be worked in the forge, this isn't really a fair comparison.
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Re: :Nudge: Update on pending forging system? on 05/25/2008 01:21 PM CDT
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>>>Why does one guild deserve to have both the most comprehensive set of combat abilities in the game >>>

Please explain this if you mean Barbarians.

If you mean having survival, armor and weapons as either primary or secondary see Rangers also.

If you mean something else please quantify.
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Re: :Nudge: Update on pending forging system? on 05/25/2008 02:01 PM CDT
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>Why does one guild deserve to have both the most comprehensive set of combat abilities in the game and the largest stake in the most profitable non-combat activity in the game? Why do you deserve to have both when those Traders and Empaths you deride have neither?

Is it really our fault that other guilds dont have creation systems of their own? In the 10 years that Dragonrealms has been online, was there nothing to give other guilds? No suggestions?

Why do Barbarians deserve both forging and physical combat prowess? Its not a matter of one guild being more deserving than another. As stated many times by Solomon, there will never be true equality between guilds, so is it right to take a system designed and tailored specifically for the Barbarian guild and turn it upside down just so other guilds can have something else to do? Weapon Forging is a guild defining ability and should be treated as such.

Honestly, who should make the best weapons? A drunkard plucking at his lute? A healer who cannot effectively use the weapon created? Someone who walks behind a yak folding paper? Or a Weaponmaster?

Last of all, the problem I see is that the creation system proposed does not rightly fit in the lore skill set. If you are truely looking to be fair to all guilds, then create a new skill set called Tradeskills and make all guilds learn it at the same rate.

Tyrants are always loved until they are deposed. Long Live The Tyrants!
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Re: :Nudge: Update on pending forging system? on 05/25/2008 02:07 PM CDT
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>Believe it or not we actually charge bards and traders the same amount to play the game as we do barbarians.


ps. Thank you for all the responses Oolan. I keep having knee jerk reaction everytime I have to fold origami.

Tyrants are always loved until they are deposed. Long Live The Tyrants!
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Re: :Nudge: Update on pending forging system? on 05/25/2008 02:22 PM CDT
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>>If you are truely looking to be fair to all guilds, then create a new skill set called Tradeskills and make all guilds learn it at the same rate.

So... then we can have all guilds learn weapons at the same rate and call it fair.

I'm game--Let's do it!

Or do you mean that this idea you suggest of "fairness" should only apply to these lore skills? If so, why is it ok to be fair to lore skills, but not be fair to weapon skills, and survival skills, and magic skills?

~Leilond - Working up to Galren and Mazrian
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Re: :Nudge: Update on pending forging system? on 05/25/2008 02:32 PM CDT
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Some ramblings.

>>>The decision to open the design to all guilds was made long before I was on staff and the choice of skills (which I fully support I will admit) was made by Ssra, Dartenian and Solomon<<<

All crafts are allready open to all guilds,is there a guild that cant use a public forge? is there a guild that can't go stich a piece of leather together to go make armor?.Also some non barbs allready make the best weapons in some of the bugged molds that cannot be ground.

As your posts in the past have said and all you gms have said is it's all gonna be lore.So that's all we have to asume on, what it is gonna be like.Your taking some parts of Dr which made alot of people choose Barbs, Pallies instead of other guilds.They chose those guilds to forge because that was the reality in DR.

Those that chose the other guilds did so because what that guild had to offer was more important to them then forging.Your not only gonna give them creation skills ,your gonna take it away from someone else to do it.Itstead of creating new things for other guilds to make.

Also many mages I've talked to have said they have been told majik ranks will factor in on enchanting ect... Yet not on forging ...could this be clarified?

Alot of the gm's reasoning is just because theres 22 ish type of weapons in our primary set we should get nothing else.Yes we get no bonus to them except for learning them at a faster rate just like everyone else in other guilds for their primary.Yet other guilds get a passive bonus to their primary skills just by being in a certain enviroment.

This post is based off what little we have beeen allowed to know about the total make up of the new system.We have been told to wait and see so we will go away and be quiet yet what we are constantly told the system yields no light at the end of the tunnel.

I am sorry for what seems to you like beating a dead horse for everyone else I just returned after a 2 year break.I just felt to put in my 2 cents after all the money I have paid this compnay over the years to play here. I have read not a single valid post from the gm's of why it should be this new way .All their points are very weak and don't stand up at all.

But anyways thats my take on this change.I know that they won't consider changes but I'm entitled to share my thoughts on this.
If I get one pleasure outa this it's laughing at the way the gM's having been getting their backs up over the critisim and the type of posts they have made make them sound like the knee jerk reactions that usually come from the player base.

I know the new systems will probally be real kewl,just not for barbs so far.I just hope that mixing is still the biggest factor in making a good forged items.If the new forging dosent require alot of thinking on the players part I probally wouldnt want to be part of it amyways.That is the greatest appeal of the current system.

Anyways I'll go back to my dark corner.

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Re: :Nudge: Update on pending forging system? on 05/25/2008 02:43 PM CDT
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>>Also many mages I've talked to have said they have been told majik ranks will factor in on enchanting ect... Yet not on forging ...could this be clarified?

There are no plans for any skill in the Magic skillset to affect the outcome of Enchanting when it becomes a Lore skill.

What has been debated is what place guild identity and special abilities will have using that skill, which is one of those funny "design philosophy tells us one thing, game fiction tells us another" deals. "Okay, all crafts should be open to everyone...then should Moon Mages make drums with Dragon Dance in it, and Barbarians make Resurrection trinkets?"

Relevant to this argument is whether we assume weapon creation is just as relevant to the identity of "a drunkard plucking his lute" as it is to "a grunting, loincloth-wearing berserker."

"It is no longer possible to escape men. Farewell to the monsters, farewell to the saints. Farewell to pride. All that is left is men."
- Jean-Paul Sartre
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Re: :Nudge: Update on pending forging system? on 05/25/2008 03:23 PM CDT
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Thanks for the reply and clarification.Like I said back to my corner on this debate .But had to say thanks for the reply.
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Re: :Nudge: Update on pending forging system? on 05/25/2008 05:15 PM CDT
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>Or do you mean that this idea you suggest of "fairness" should only apply to these lore skills? If so, why is it ok to be fair to lore skills, but not be fair to weapon skills, and survival skills, and magic skills?

Forging cant actually be called a lore skill, no more than you can call welding or plumbing lore skills. They are trade skills and as such should have their own skill set. I was suggesting a new skill set, not a "choose your own" skill set deal.

Tyrants are always loved until they are deposed. Long Live The Tyrants!
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Re: :Nudge: Update on pending forging system? on 05/25/2008 05:20 PM CDT
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>"design philosophy tells us one thing, game fiction tells us another"

I dont understand. What game fiction are you referring to?

Tyrants are always loved until they are deposed. Long Live The Tyrants!
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Re: :Nudge: Update on pending forging system? on 05/25/2008 05:26 PM CDT
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>>Why does one guild deserve to have both the most comprehensive set of combat abilities in the game and the largest stake in the most profitable non-combat activity in the game?

I would imagine guild design, and I'm not sure how you can define forging as non-combat when there is what...1 way to advance forging without combat?

>>Why do you deserve to have both when those Traders and Empaths you deride have neither?

I didn't realize it was about "deserves" and not "what makes sense for this guild", "what is signature for this guild" (your own argument for shooting down moon mage weaponry multiple times or explaining why moon mage weapons can't be better), and "what can we do/get done".

If everything is about deserves, there is a long list of crap that should be worked on. The current forging system never being finished and "temporary" fixes that break templates (like baselards) comes to mind.

>>Yes, it means less time spent hunting to pull off rather than the current model of hunting being what makes you a better smith.

No, it means completely changing it from having to hunt/train MORE than normal to something that is unaffected by combat skills.

Unless that got changed, or I'm misremembering, or it hasn't been decided, etc... which is what we get as responses on pretty much any system change. By the time it gets to the point of "we can say X", it's not changing unless it's absolutely horrible beyond belief (like skill decay).

>>Or do you mean that this idea you suggest of "fairness" should only apply to these lore skills? If so, why is it ok to be fair to lore skills, but not be fair to weapon skills, and survival skills, and magic skills?

I'm guessing his idea of "fairness" involves the fact that they aren't lore skills at all.

I know this is crazy, but do you remember how bards used to/still do? get insane bonuses to musical proficiency just by being a bard?

I say it's crazy because it doesn't have a monetary value, but it is something I ALWAYS noticed. Even down to the fact that they have a pitch range.

As for forging weapons being some great thing monetarily, or lore guilds feeling like this is a "step in the right direction"...

Welcome to forging, the original system was never finished, had "temp" fixes that nerfed certain templates, and became amazingly flooded. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

I am --- Navak
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