<<it doesn't sound like a very diverse system, does it>>
Nope. I am all for adding value to learning to create other weapons and adding flair.
Ackfer - Halfling in a Can, No Fillers Here!
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/24/2008 04:58 PM CDT
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/24/2008 05:01 PM CDT
>>Nope, nor should they. Heck, if I find anything in RL that is consistently better than anything else, I buy it, fast! As folks in DR have for years, when player 1 found THE best mix and method {g} I have always called that reward for time spent, much like RL.
>>Not to sound snarky but it doesn't sound like a very diverse system, does it?
You don't sound snarky at all, I happen to really like the exchange of thoughts and never think of a well thought out statement as snarky! That said, it sounds as diverse as the system proposed at this point, at least as this player understands it. Let's be realistic here there will always be someone/something that makes the best, with enough of any given skill and understanding. The point I am attempting to make here is this, there should be a great deal more to making the best of anything, then working some lore skills to get there.
>>Not to sound snarky but it doesn't sound like a very diverse system, does it?
You don't sound snarky at all, I happen to really like the exchange of thoughts and never think of a well thought out statement as snarky! That said, it sounds as diverse as the system proposed at this point, at least as this player understands it. Let's be realistic here there will always be someone/something that makes the best, with enough of any given skill and understanding. The point I am attempting to make here is this, there should be a great deal more to making the best of anything, then working some lore skills to get there.
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/24/2008 05:07 PM CDT
>>You don't sound snarky at all, I happen to really like the exchange of thoughts and never think of a well thought out statement as snarky! That said, it sounds as diverse as the system proposed at this point, at least as this player understands it. Let's be realistic here there will always be someone/something that makes the best, with enough of any given skill and understanding. The point I am attempting to make here is this, there should be a great deal more to making the best of anything, then working some lore skills to get there.
And right now all there is to the current system is working up weapons, a bit of mech and getting a friend to give you a mix for X weight of Y item. Yes, many of the masters have studied the system and actually learned how mixing works. However, to claim that this is in any way actually required is quite patently false. I don't need to learn the system at all if I can beg, borrow or steal a mix off of someone else. There are several readily available on various websites or reading through several of these forums where masters have shared some of their mixes. Yes you might miss out on specific ones, but if you know the 36 stone scimitar and have the skill to cap it you can sell them without understanding the whole system.
GM Oolan Jeel
"This island is made mainly of coal and surrounded by fish. Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish at the same time." Aneurin Bevan, May 1945, on World War II rationing and shortages in England.
And right now all there is to the current system is working up weapons, a bit of mech and getting a friend to give you a mix for X weight of Y item. Yes, many of the masters have studied the system and actually learned how mixing works. However, to claim that this is in any way actually required is quite patently false. I don't need to learn the system at all if I can beg, borrow or steal a mix off of someone else. There are several readily available on various websites or reading through several of these forums where masters have shared some of their mixes. Yes you might miss out on specific ones, but if you know the 36 stone scimitar and have the skill to cap it you can sell them without understanding the whole system.
GM Oolan Jeel
"This island is made mainly of coal and surrounded by fish. Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish at the same time." Aneurin Bevan, May 1945, on World War II rationing and shortages in England.
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/24/2008 05:15 PM CDT
<<And right now all there is to the current system is working up weapons, a bit of mech and getting a friend to give you a mix for X weight of Y item. Yes, many of the masters have studied the system and actually learned how mixing works. However, to claim that this is in any way actually required is quite patently false. I don't need to learn the system at all if I can beg, borrow or steal a mix off of someone else. There are several readily available on various websites or reading through several of these forums where masters have shared some of their mixes. Yes you might miss out on specific ones, but if you know the 36 stone scimitar and have the skill to cap it you can sell them without understanding the whole system.
That, at best, implies that no one person in DR wants to, or strives to learn things on thier own and takes pride in that. Perhaps I am naive or have just had the good fortune over the last decade to know the best of the best, but, most I know DO work very hard to learn and do not take the easy way. That is why I, and I will assume to say, they, have paid to play this game for so long, it offers that challenge and chance. I choose to believe we are not in the minority, and even if we are, should any game be built with the ones who {please forgive the use of the word} cheat, in mind?
That, at best, implies that no one person in DR wants to, or strives to learn things on thier own and takes pride in that. Perhaps I am naive or have just had the good fortune over the last decade to know the best of the best, but, most I know DO work very hard to learn and do not take the easy way. That is why I, and I will assume to say, they, have paid to play this game for so long, it offers that challenge and chance. I choose to believe we are not in the minority, and even if we are, should any game be built with the ones who {please forgive the use of the word} cheat, in mind?
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/24/2008 05:22 PM CDT
<< The system will remain much more like the current.
Much love for that statement with regard to mixing.
I don't know Oolan, I think the current system if extremely diverse at least with regard to armor. Armor mixing is still a bit of a mystery and most excellent mixes are held pretty close to the chest.
However, I think your overall point is well taken. If you can obtain or make BESTMIX, then you simply need the forging factor to pound it to get BESTARMOR. Good mixing simply decreases the amount of forging factor you need to get BESTARMOR.
Anyway, good discussion folks. Thanks for everyone's input.
True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.
Arthur Ashe
Much love for that statement with regard to mixing.
I don't know Oolan, I think the current system if extremely diverse at least with regard to armor. Armor mixing is still a bit of a mystery and most excellent mixes are held pretty close to the chest.
However, I think your overall point is well taken. If you can obtain or make BESTMIX, then you simply need the forging factor to pound it to get BESTARMOR. Good mixing simply decreases the amount of forging factor you need to get BESTARMOR.
Anyway, good discussion folks. Thanks for everyone's input.
True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.
Arthur Ashe
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/24/2008 08:31 PM CDT
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/24/2008 10:04 PM CDT
Out of curiosity, could the current system be fixed of all the present bugs while giving more leeway to non-Barbarians and is the new system being worked on because the old system was irreparable or because of the new philosophy for creation systems, or both?
It would seem to be easier to make repairs instead of building anew.
If I were to spite my face, in my opinion, cutting off my nose would be a reasonably good start.
It would seem to be easier to make repairs instead of building anew.
If I were to spite my face, in my opinion, cutting off my nose would be a reasonably good start.
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/24/2008 11:03 PM CDT
>>Out of curiosity, could the current system be fixed of all the present bugs while giving more leeway to non-Barbarians and is the new system being worked on because the old system was irreparable or because of the new philosophy for creation systems, or both?
To question one, could the current system have the bugs within it repaired, remove the non-barb penalty in weapon making without a complete rewrite of concept. Sure, in theory it certainly could be done. I might even be able to salvage some of the current code while doing so.
As for the second question, it is a combination of both actually. As I've pointed out many times the system was slated for a rewrite several years before I came on staff. Yes, that means it is just written that badly and is in need of a great deal of work in and of itself. At the same time, lead staff has changed, the goal and intent of the creation systems as a whole has changed and so, combining the two you end up where we are now.
>>It would seem to be easier to make repairs instead of building anew.
You'd think that but to be honest it quite often is not true. Sometimes when the foundation itself is the problem, you are better off scrapping the work and starting from scratch, even if the end results are cosmetically the same as you started with.
GM Oolan Jeel
"This island is made mainly of coal and surrounded by fish. Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish at the same time." Aneurin Bevan, May 1945, on World War II rationing and shortages in England.
To question one, could the current system have the bugs within it repaired, remove the non-barb penalty in weapon making without a complete rewrite of concept. Sure, in theory it certainly could be done. I might even be able to salvage some of the current code while doing so.
As for the second question, it is a combination of both actually. As I've pointed out many times the system was slated for a rewrite several years before I came on staff. Yes, that means it is just written that badly and is in need of a great deal of work in and of itself. At the same time, lead staff has changed, the goal and intent of the creation systems as a whole has changed and so, combining the two you end up where we are now.
>>It would seem to be easier to make repairs instead of building anew.
You'd think that but to be honest it quite often is not true. Sometimes when the foundation itself is the problem, you are better off scrapping the work and starting from scratch, even if the end results are cosmetically the same as you started with.
GM Oolan Jeel
"This island is made mainly of coal and surrounded by fish. Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish at the same time." Aneurin Bevan, May 1945, on World War II rationing and shortages in England.
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/25/2008 05:20 AM CDT
<<As for the exact balance of the formulas, yes it is quite likely that it will be possible in theory to cap weapons without having ever gained a single rank. My guess at this point in time is that if weapon skill is included in the formulas it will probably be more as a bonus to your success than a requirement.>>
Oolon, as long as the amount of magic you know effects enchanting the same and stringed instruments you know effects crafting a stringed instrument (you get the drift here I hope) and you add to in fact that you must be somewhere special where you cannot work you primary skills to learn it...
I see no issue with this statement.
All crafts should be equally based (for success and quality) on non lore skills.
All crafts should have a special place you must be to work them.
Kertig Heart Magdar Bluefletch, Legendary Barbarian of M'Riss
Oolon, as long as the amount of magic you know effects enchanting the same and stringed instruments you know effects crafting a stringed instrument (you get the drift here I hope) and you add to in fact that you must be somewhere special where you cannot work you primary skills to learn it...
I see no issue with this statement.
All crafts should be equally based (for success and quality) on non lore skills.
All crafts should have a special place you must be to work them.
Kertig Heart Magdar Bluefletch, Legendary Barbarian of M'Riss
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/25/2008 05:29 AM CDT
>>Oolon, as long as the amount of magic you know effects enchanting the same and stringed instruments you know effects crafting a stringed instrument (you get the drift here I hope) and you add to in fact that you must be somewhere special where you cannot work you primary skills to learn it...
The situation regarding skills involved should indeed remain consistant across the board. If you've read Armifer's posts then you would know that he is actively looking into how to design enchanting so that it is indeed open to all guilds just as all of the other systems will be. The time commitment involved in each system should also remain fairly consistant. I don't know the plans for the other systems so I cannot speak to requiring a specific location, but in general it should indeed remain the same that if you are actually focusing on X system you are not going to be able to actively work other skills and if you are actively working other skills then you aren't focusing on the system.
GM Oolan Jeel
"This island is made mainly of coal and surrounded by fish. Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish at the same time." Aneurin Bevan, May 1945, on World War II rationing and shortages in England.
The situation regarding skills involved should indeed remain consistant across the board. If you've read Armifer's posts then you would know that he is actively looking into how to design enchanting so that it is indeed open to all guilds just as all of the other systems will be. The time commitment involved in each system should also remain fairly consistant. I don't know the plans for the other systems so I cannot speak to requiring a specific location, but in general it should indeed remain the same that if you are actually focusing on X system you are not going to be able to actively work other skills and if you are actively working other skills then you aren't focusing on the system.
GM Oolan Jeel
"This island is made mainly of coal and surrounded by fish. Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish at the same time." Aneurin Bevan, May 1945, on World War II rationing and shortages in England.
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/25/2008 06:28 AM CDT
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/25/2008 06:50 AM CDT
>>One question I have is why must any crafter be dependent on some one else to make the top end stuff?
One question I have to ask is where this question came from. I'm not sure where it has been said that anyone would be dependant on someone else or else not be able to make top end stuff.
GM Oolan Jeel
"This island is made mainly of coal and surrounded by fish. Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish at the same time." Aneurin Bevan, May 1945, on World War II rationing and shortages in England.
One question I have to ask is where this question came from. I'm not sure where it has been said that anyone would be dependant on someone else or else not be able to make top end stuff.
GM Oolan Jeel
"This island is made mainly of coal and surrounded by fish. Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish at the same time." Aneurin Bevan, May 1945, on World War II rationing and shortages in England.
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/25/2008 06:56 AM CDT
wasn't it posted that no one person would be able to do all of a particular type, that they would have to specialize in order to be the best at one particular item? so in other words, a forger couldn't be the best at both HE and ME for example? or is this another thing thats still being debated in gm-land?
<<Because it's a gigantic can of worms. Eldritch, necrotic, squamous worms, writhing in a vile stew of coagulating ichor, crushed from the living gullets of a thousand infant puppies, ululating in wordless terror. - Lorz>>
<<Because it's a gigantic can of worms. Eldritch, necrotic, squamous worms, writhing in a vile stew of coagulating ichor, crushed from the living gullets of a thousand infant puppies, ululating in wordless terror. - Lorz>>
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/25/2008 07:34 AM CDT
<<a forger couldn't be the best at both HE and ME for example? or is this another thing thats still being debated in gm-land?
God I hope you are wrong. What a sad system it will be if so.
Cylons... why debugging matters.
God I hope you are wrong. What a sad system it will be if so.
Cylons... why debugging matters.
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/25/2008 07:58 AM CDT
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/25/2008 08:08 AM CDT
>>You'd think that but to be honest it quite often is not true. Sometimes when the foundation itself is the problem, you are better off scrapping the work and starting from scratch, even if the end results are cosmetically the same as you started with.
Heh, tell that to my boss. Ground up re-writes are big money. I guess since its mostly free contract work it's not a big deal but what worries me is that some ground up re-write will start and then for whatever reason someone falls off the radar and things come to a screeching halt. Where as with a refactoring of the forging code at least some ground work is there and if something doesn't go right we're not at ground level when a flood hits so to speak.
- Galren
>>The Rippentropps are a mysterious collective of well-known individuals whose primary charge is to initiate the advancing task of not stopping.
Heh, tell that to my boss. Ground up re-writes are big money. I guess since its mostly free contract work it's not a big deal but what worries me is that some ground up re-write will start and then for whatever reason someone falls off the radar and things come to a screeching halt. Where as with a refactoring of the forging code at least some ground work is there and if something doesn't go right we're not at ground level when a flood hits so to speak.
- Galren
>>The Rippentropps are a mysterious collective of well-known individuals whose primary charge is to initiate the advancing task of not stopping.
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/25/2008 09:56 AM CDT
THANKS Oolan! I am gratified to know that the ability to use a magical device (MD) will have the same effect in enchanting as the ability to use a weapon will have in smithing. Same with all the other skills besides the crafting lores and their respecitve crafts! Fair is good!
Even if it has been stated before, it is good to see it repeated now and again. Even a reference to the page would be nice.
Kertig Heart Magdar Bluefletch, Legendary Barbarian of M'Riss
Even if it has been stated before, it is good to see it repeated now and again. Even a reference to the page would be nice.
Kertig Heart Magdar Bluefletch, Legendary Barbarian of M'Riss
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/25/2008 11:42 AM CDT
>>I am gratified to know that the ability to use a magical device (MD) will have the same effect in enchanting as the ability to use a weapon will have in smithing.
I cannot speak for any other system, but your specific example is correct. There are currently no plans for the MD skill to factor into Enchanting contests. Enchanting to build them, Magical Devices to use them.
Insert here usual caveats about nothing being set in stone, changes possible due to freak accidents, acts of God, The Bosses changing their minds, and so forth.
"It is no longer possible to escape men. Farewell to the monsters, farewell to the saints. Farewell to pride. All that is left is men."
- Jean-Paul Sartre
I cannot speak for any other system, but your specific example is correct. There are currently no plans for the MD skill to factor into Enchanting contests. Enchanting to build them, Magical Devices to use them.
Insert here usual caveats about nothing being set in stone, changes possible due to freak accidents, acts of God, The Bosses changing their minds, and so forth.
"It is no longer possible to escape men. Farewell to the monsters, farewell to the saints. Farewell to pride. All that is left is men."
- Jean-Paul Sartre
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/25/2008 12:05 PM CDT
Why not just give Barbarians a massively gigantic humongous secondary exp pool (talking 3-4 hours to drain at full) for the smithing skill. That should take some of the sting out of having the skill as a tert skill, amd allow us to train the skill and then get the heck back out into training.
Drachus - Interprovincial Gold Champion, Kaith Kirm 370 AV - Open Team Combat, Division 2
Drachus - Interprovincial Gold Champion, Kaith Kirm 370 AV - Open Team Combat, Division 2
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/25/2008 05:39 PM CDT
>Why not just give Barbarians a massively gigantic humongous secondary exp pool (talking 3-4 hours to drain at full) for the smithing skill. That should take some of the sting out of having the skill as a tert skill, amd allow us to train the skill and then get the heck back out into training.
Sounds good. While we're at it, may I have secondary pools for Evasion, Shield Usage, and Perception? It's kind of BS that I have to play a combat guild with these as tert skills. Who designed this game, anyway?
Aveda's Field Guide- http://dr.aveda.googlepages.com
Sounds good. While we're at it, may I have secondary pools for Evasion, Shield Usage, and Perception? It's kind of BS that I have to play a combat guild with these as tert skills. Who designed this game, anyway?
Aveda's Field Guide- http://dr.aveda.googlepages.com
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/25/2008 06:31 PM CDT
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/25/2008 09:27 PM CDT
>You'd think that but to be honest it quite often is not true. Sometimes when the foundation itself is the problem, you are better off scrapping the work and starting from scratch, even if the end results are cosmetically the same as you started with.
Yeah, sometimes you have to tear the house down
If I were to spite my face, in my opinion, cutting off my nose would be a reasonably good start.
Yeah, sometimes you have to tear the house down
If I were to spite my face, in my opinion, cutting off my nose would be a reasonably good start.
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/25/2008 11:51 PM CDT
>>Well, the last "plan" for new fletching comes to mind since it said exactly that.
Was that plan before or after Dartenian's overview of the current development path for the creation systems? If it was significantly before, then I would discard anything said there and wait for a new update.
GM Oolan Jeel
"This island is made mainly of coal and surrounded by fish. Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish at the same time." Aneurin Bevan, May 1945, on World War II rationing and shortages in England.
Was that plan before or after Dartenian's overview of the current development path for the creation systems? If it was significantly before, then I would discard anything said there and wait for a new update.
GM Oolan Jeel
"This island is made mainly of coal and surrounded by fish. Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish at the same time." Aneurin Bevan, May 1945, on World War II rationing and shortages in England.
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/26/2008 12:11 AM CDT
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/26/2008 12:26 AM CDT
If the complaint is specifically about not being able to forage up X wood, then that is an entirely seperate topic. The way I read the post was in regards to not being able to make all parts of something yourself and having to get parts from someone else. There are going to most certainly be times and situations where it will be more cost effective to let someone else make an item but I'm not aware of any plans that will directly force this on someone. However, I will also freely admit that I don't know the specifics of the fletching plans as I am not directly involved in them.
GM Oolan Jeel
"This island is made mainly of coal and surrounded by fish. Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish at the same time." Aneurin Bevan, May 1945, on World War II rationing and shortages in England.
GM Oolan Jeel
"This island is made mainly of coal and surrounded by fish. Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish at the same time." Aneurin Bevan, May 1945, on World War II rationing and shortages in England.
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 06/26/2008 09:16 PM CDT
We haven't heard from Tarragon lately. You guys been feeding him and exercising his other muscles? A coder doesn't work so well if he's hungry and too weak to reach the keyboard, you know.
J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List -- http://symphaena.com/index.html
J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List -- http://symphaena.com/index.html
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 07/06/2008 07:42 AM CDT
<<Diversity is a wonderful element of DR.>>
The crafting systems are going to make the game more diverse actually. Meaning Lawnmower makers are going to be lawnmower makers, not car makers.
<<just that the skills will be somewhat similar on the back end.>>
One extensiion of this. They are only similiar in that they fall in the same skillset, other than that they are very different.
<<code is like a machine part, most want to be able to plug that into any part of the BIGGER machine, and make it work ... make all systems use the same sort of parts {read skill A, B or so on} so that it spits out results in an easy manner..problem is that works from a logic standpoint but stinks from creative aspect, everything ends up being very simple and the same, not so fun fun! I prefer the diversity>>
You're obviously not a coder, diversity in code is NOT fun.
<<My vote would be to not make things so very simple>>
Believe me, by making the code simpler\standardizing etc., they will be able to give you far more complex systems faster and easier.
<<If you've read Armifer's posts then you would know that he is actively looking into how to design enchanting so that it is indeed open to all guilds just as all of the other systems will be. >>
oh this is nice....
<<Enchanting to build them, Magical Devices to use them.>>
ah crap, I was hoping enchanting would be things like giving swords special properties to do different types of damage etc....which a Barb could use?
What barb would want to enchante then? Basically same as locking a guild out is making it completely useless to them.
<<about ground-up rewrites>>
This will probably make their new additions to crafting much easier as well...ie crosbows\staff slings\bone armor etc etc etc.....
Vote DR as TOP MUD: http://www.topmudsites.com/vote-cemm.html
The crafting systems are going to make the game more diverse actually. Meaning Lawnmower makers are going to be lawnmower makers, not car makers.
<<just that the skills will be somewhat similar on the back end.>>
One extensiion of this. They are only similiar in that they fall in the same skillset, other than that they are very different.
<<code is like a machine part, most want to be able to plug that into any part of the BIGGER machine, and make it work ... make all systems use the same sort of parts {read skill A, B or so on} so that it spits out results in an easy manner..problem is that works from a logic standpoint but stinks from creative aspect, everything ends up being very simple and the same, not so fun fun! I prefer the diversity>>
You're obviously not a coder, diversity in code is NOT fun.
<<My vote would be to not make things so very simple>>
Believe me, by making the code simpler\standardizing etc., they will be able to give you far more complex systems faster and easier.
<<If you've read Armifer's posts then you would know that he is actively looking into how to design enchanting so that it is indeed open to all guilds just as all of the other systems will be. >>
oh this is nice....
<<Enchanting to build them, Magical Devices to use them.>>
ah crap, I was hoping enchanting would be things like giving swords special properties to do different types of damage etc....which a Barb could use?
What barb would want to enchante then? Basically same as locking a guild out is making it completely useless to them.
<<about ground-up rewrites>>
This will probably make their new additions to crafting much easier as well...ie crosbows\staff slings\bone armor etc etc etc.....
Vote DR as TOP MUD: http://www.topmudsites.com/vote-cemm.html
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 07/06/2008 02:19 PM CDT
>>I was hoping enchanting would be things like giving swords special properties to do different types of damage etc....which a Barb could use?
My preferred approach would see many enchantments get three different versions, in order of increasing difficulty to build.
1: Mana powered, which requires mana manipulation to function. Essentially, the enchanter builds his device without an engine. Easiest and cheapest to build.
2: Standard, which does all the juju by itself but requires a MD check to do the right twists, twirls, and incantations to trigger it.
3: Automated, which does all the juju by itself and has the safeties torn out of it, like an illegally modified gun. Very basic trigger that requires no MD, but may fail or misfire due to this. Beware buying a sword that "ignites on impact, no control necessary" since that could include parrying with it, dropping it, falling on top of it while it's in its sheath, or a poorly timed gust of wind.
Not sure if I'll be able to do that, but it's the basic scale of usability I have in mind. No matter what, enchanting is not going to be an excuse to ignore the Magical Devices skill, just as practicing fletching won't make you a crack shot.
"It is no longer possible to escape men. Farewell to the monsters, farewell to the saints. Farewell to pride. All that is left is men."
- Jean-Paul Sartre
My preferred approach would see many enchantments get three different versions, in order of increasing difficulty to build.
1: Mana powered, which requires mana manipulation to function. Essentially, the enchanter builds his device without an engine. Easiest and cheapest to build.
2: Standard, which does all the juju by itself but requires a MD check to do the right twists, twirls, and incantations to trigger it.
3: Automated, which does all the juju by itself and has the safeties torn out of it, like an illegally modified gun. Very basic trigger that requires no MD, but may fail or misfire due to this. Beware buying a sword that "ignites on impact, no control necessary" since that could include parrying with it, dropping it, falling on top of it while it's in its sheath, or a poorly timed gust of wind.
Not sure if I'll be able to do that, but it's the basic scale of usability I have in mind. No matter what, enchanting is not going to be an excuse to ignore the Magical Devices skill, just as practicing fletching won't make you a crack shot.
"It is no longer possible to escape men. Farewell to the monsters, farewell to the saints. Farewell to pride. All that is left is men."
- Jean-Paul Sartre
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 07/06/2008 03:36 PM CDT
Re: Update on pending forging system? on 07/08/2008 04:20 PM CDT
>>3: Automated, which does all the juju by itself and has the safeties torn out of it, like an illegally modified gun. Very basic trigger that requires no MD, but may fail or misfire due to this. Beware buying a sword that "ignites on impact, no control necessary" since that could include parrying with it, dropping it, falling on top of it while it's in its sheath, or a poorly timed gust of wind
More genius from the mind of madness!
~Hanryu Ves'Shomis
Sword of House Calibanor, Emerald Knight, Keeper of the CEC, Ranger
~Hanryu Ves'Shomis
Sword of House Calibanor, Emerald Knight, Keeper of the CEC, Ranger
More genius from the mind of madness!
~Hanryu Ves'Shomis
Sword of House Calibanor, Emerald Knight, Keeper of the CEC, Ranger
~Hanryu Ves'Shomis
Sword of House Calibanor, Emerald Knight, Keeper of the CEC, Ranger