I saw this vision while I was hunting:
Your senses reel with chaotic energies, and you see a massive tapestry hung from the upper levels of a towering cathedral, thick woven fabric and delicate embroidery depicting a complex scene. Among the multitude of images, you make out armored knights clashing on an open field running red with blood, a potter shaping a lump of clay into a living child holding a dove, a protea blossom unfolding to reveal a skeleton, a tall bonfire burning over the ocean, and a man playing a flute for a mesmerized bear.
Shining through brilliant stained glass windows, multihued sunbeams creep across the floor of the cathedral. Reaching the bottom of the tapestry, the light sets the fabric ablaze, and soon flames are licking up its length, until there is nothing left but ash and cinder drifting to the ground.
Anyone know what it means?
Mankagou, Bard