Who is Zeelah? on 09/03/2010 01:51 PM CDT
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While I was still circling up to 100th there were two Bards who had already ranked well past 100th circle according to rumor. Those two Bards were Niprud and Zeelah. I vaguely recall interacting with Niprud once before and I know who he is; however I cannot say the same about Zeelah. To my knowledge she stopped playing for a while, but even now she ranks as having more instrument/lore ranks than Aveda on the Riverhaven registry, and let me tell you Aveda is a lore monster.

Who is this mythical Bard that I've never even met in game before? If she's so high up on the Bard ladder why haven't I run across her path in celps before or some equivilant hunting ground? Is she hunting Elder Armadillos already or something?

She occasionally signs into the game now--has anyone actually seen this person? Had she already attained 150th circle? Unless I hear or see otherwise I'm going to assume Zeelah is actually a GMPC Bard who has some secret and sinister plan.

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Re: Who is Zeelah? on 09/03/2010 03:31 PM CDT
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I have seen her. The last time I saw her was several months before I made 100th and she already had Legendary Bard and she was AFK scripting for two days solid as a .reckus using teachbot to some cleric. Go figure.

No respect for Zeelah. Sorry.

- Terra
Raesh gives Terra wings. And then rips them off and beats her with them.
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Re: Who is Zeelah? on 09/03/2010 09:39 PM CDT
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Last I heard/saw Zeelah, they were hunting under the swamp. This is all i know.
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Re: Who is Zeelah? on 09/04/2010 12:02 PM CDT
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>>Last I heard/saw Zeelah, they were hunting under the swamp. This is all i know.

Also unresponsive. Any time they've been encountered Zeelah and Astian by myself or anyone else who has attempted to strike up conversation, they just continue like they are. I guess they could pretend to RP they are mutes but I'm pretty sure everyone knows they're just scripting.

- Terra
Raesh gives Terra wings. And then rips them off and beats her with them.
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Re: Who is Zeelah? on 09/04/2010 02:18 PM CDT
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I only ran across Zeelah once or twice, and I also tried striking up a conversation. She was totally unresponsive, training instruments. Not cool.

AIM- draveda
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Re: Who is Zeelah? on 09/04/2010 02:36 PM CDT
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Oh bummer, well there goes my "mythical zeelah" theory.

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Re: Who is Zeelah? on 09/04/2010 02:41 PM CDT
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Huh odd, every time I've caught Zeelah in the underswamp she has been responsive. Never would have figured she was a mythical circle bard.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
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