While I was still circling up to 100th there were two Bards who had already ranked well past 100th circle according to rumor. Those two Bards were Niprud and Zeelah. I vaguely recall interacting with Niprud once before and I know who he is; however I cannot say the same about Zeelah. To my knowledge she stopped playing for a while, but even now she ranks as having more instrument/lore ranks than Aveda on the Riverhaven registry, and let me tell you Aveda is a lore monster.
Who is this mythical Bard that I've never even met in game before? If she's so high up on the Bard ladder why haven't I run across her path in celps before or some equivilant hunting ground? Is she hunting Elder Armadillos already or something?
She occasionally signs into the game now--has anyone actually seen this person? Had she already attained 150th circle? Unless I hear or see otherwise I'm going to assume Zeelah is actually a GMPC Bard who has some secret and sinister plan.
Who is Zeelah? on 09/03/2010 01:51 PM CDT
Re: Who is Zeelah? on 09/03/2010 03:31 PM CDT
I have seen her. The last time I saw her was several months before I made 100th and she already had Legendary Bard and she was AFK scripting for two days solid as a .reckus using teachbot to some cleric. Go figure.
No respect for Zeelah. Sorry.
- Terra
Raesh gives Terra wings. And then rips them off and beats her with them.
No respect for Zeelah. Sorry.
- Terra
Raesh gives Terra wings. And then rips them off and beats her with them.
Re: Who is Zeelah? on 09/03/2010 09:39 PM CDT
Re: Who is Zeelah? on 09/04/2010 12:02 PM CDT
>>Last I heard/saw Zeelah, they were hunting under the swamp. This is all i know.
Also unresponsive. Any time they've been encountered Zeelah and Astian by myself or anyone else who has attempted to strike up conversation, they just continue like they are. I guess they could pretend to RP they are mutes but I'm pretty sure everyone knows they're just scripting.
- Terra
Raesh gives Terra wings. And then rips them off and beats her with them.
Also unresponsive. Any time they've been encountered Zeelah and Astian by myself or anyone else who has attempted to strike up conversation, they just continue like they are. I guess they could pretend to RP they are mutes but I'm pretty sure everyone knows they're just scripting.
- Terra
Raesh gives Terra wings. And then rips them off and beats her with them.
Re: Who is Zeelah? on 09/04/2010 02:18 PM CDT
Re: Who is Zeelah? on 09/04/2010 02:36 PM CDT
Oh bummer, well there goes my "mythical zeelah" theory.
Re: Who is Zeelah? on 09/04/2010 02:41 PM CDT