CARE lingering effect and ending message oddness on 01/29/2016 04:33 AM CST
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I've noticed 3 related bugs with respect to CARE lingering effects, how they wear off, and how they message when ending.

1. When CARE is used with either the default GROUP or CAST AREA options, the ending message when it wears off other characters messages as though they were the ones singing the enchante and not me.

From my point of view:
> rel
You aren't harnessing any mana.
You aren't preparing a spell.
The air gradually stills as the music of your enchante comes near to its end, but a lingering warmth still hangs upon the air around you.

~1 minute later:

The air gradually stills as the music of Player1's enchante comes near to its end, but a lingering warmth still hangs upon the air around him.
The air gradually stills as the music of Player2's enchante comes near to its end, but a lingering warmth still hangs upon the air around him.
The air gradually stills as the music of Player3's enchante comes near to its end, but a lingering warmth still hangs upon the air around him.
The air gradually stills as the music of Player4's enchante comes near to its end, but a lingering warmth still hangs upon the air around him.

From their point of view, the same messages are:
The air gradually stills as the music of Bard's enchante comes near to its end, but a lingering warmth still hangs upon the air around him.

~1 minute later:
The air gradually stills as the music of your enchante comes near to its end, but a lingering warmth still hangs upon the air around you.
The air gradually stills as the music of Player's enchante comes near to its end, but a lingering warmth still hangs upon the air around him.
The air gradually stills as the music of Player's enchante comes near to its end, but a lingering warmth still hangs upon the air around him.
The air gradually stills as the music of Player's enchante comes near to its end, but a lingering warmth still hangs upon the air around him.

2. The lingering effects last for the duration from when the casting Bard gets the message, "The air gradually stills as the music of your enchante comes near to its end, but a lingering warmth still hangs upon the air around you." until it messages in the same way on other players. In other words, their messaging is also wrong with respect to what is happening to the effects. Notice that when the effect ends on them, the above logged messages occur and they are incorrectly indicating that their lingering effects are starting rather than actually ending.

3. As for the actual timing of the effects wearing off, that is also a little bizzare and possibly buggy. What would be expected is that water starts to build up shortly after the messaging fires. In actuality, water starts to build up for other players consistently just before the message that it wears off for them happens. By contrast, the casting bard starts to build up water again shortly after that same ending message on other players. This might be explained by the potency penalty when casting on others or on multiple people, except that it's weird that the messaging doesn't line up.

This last item is not a bug, but a QoL thing. It's a bit uninformative from the Bard's point of view when the lingering effects end, since it doesn't actually explicitly message when the caster's lingering effects are wearing off, and if there are no other affected targets remaining in the room when it does then there's no messaging at all for it, misleading or otherwise.

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