Logic regarding bard spell requirements on 08/15/2020 06:04 PM CDT
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Hello. :)

I'm new to the forums, and to bards, and I want to inquire as to the logic behind a spell being available at 30th circle, but requiring 250 ranks? It seems very, very strange. Is Silvy secretly trolling young bards? ;)

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Re: Logic regarding bard spell requirements on 08/15/2020 06:44 PM CDT
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>I want to inquire as to the logic behind a spell being available at 30th circle, but requiring 250 ranks

People train at different rates.

>Is Silvy secretly trolling young bards? ;)

Guildleader code also has protections to prevent players from accidentally picking spells they can't train. You can override it, which sounds like what you may have done.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors." -Raesh
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Re: Logic regarding bard spell requirements on 08/17/2020 08:22 PM CDT
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To be honest, it's really painful that our one defensive skill buff is Advanced, which means you need 250 Augmentation to cast it and 1000 ranks to totally cap it, although with spell stance you can at least cap it at around 850 ranks, less with augmentation mastery. The same goes for NAME, but with Warding instead of Augmentation. The two spells could have a circle requirement in the 50-70 range, but then you might hit the skill required before you hit the circle requirement. With a low circle requirement, at least you don't have to wait to cast it once you're able.
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Re: Logic regarding bard spell requirements on 08/18/2020 02:37 AM CDT
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Most guilds one or a few spells in the same situation as this where as they have high skill reqs to cast but lower circle reqs. In the past, the GMs have said this was so people that might over train their characters in magic skills would not be held back from getting some spell if they choose to advance that route. Similar to how a level 30 bard could be hunting much higher level mobs should they have over trained all combat skills but ignored the lore reqs to advance in the guild.
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Re: Logic regarding bard spell requirements on 08/19/2020 04:28 PM CDT
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It takes some extreme overtraining to be able to pull off Advanced at 30, even with the mastery feat for the type. I'm more concerned with how Bards get three TM spells - one kicking in at 10, two at 250 - with nothing in between. There's ways around this (even without sorcery or simply suffering through killing your attunement faster than monsters) since Bards share mana with Warmies, but it seems... odd. Especially given that even Paladins and Traders get 10, 80, and 250 TM spells. Even Rangers get 10 and 80, though the poor sods lack a 250.
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Re: Logic regarding bard spell requirements on 08/19/2020 10:59 PM CDT
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TM isn't really in our wheel-house, and there's no real advantage to more difficult TM just for the sake of more difficult TM. We have easy access to most WM TM through scrolls, no sorcery check required, and PYRE is an amazing AoE cyclic TM. We also have the only spirit-damaging TM spell for non-clerics, so there's that.
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