New player guide to the guild on 04/13/2009 10:56 PM CDT
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Okay y'all...

Some time ago, we had a contest to submit a new player guide for the guild. Now, I understand that that one never made it to being posted, though I'm not sure what happened - it was submitted more than once.

Regardless, anyone here could tell you a lot has been happening since that guide was written, and a new one is needed.


As before, please feel free to do group or individual submissions, and all submissions become property of Simutronics Corporation, who may alter them without seeking approval or input of the original writer(s).


Think back to what it was like as a beginning player. While IC guides are nifty, they can be (out of necessity, for building the IC feel) a bit verbose, and it may make it hard for the new player to find the info they need, especially if they're taking a look over several guides to help determine their choice of a guild.

So, that being said, the guides may be done in either an IC or OOC format, but an OOC format may really be a bit preferable - after all, these wouldn't be in game books, but rather, something the player is pulling up outside of the game.

Those of you who still have your prior submissions - by ALL means, feel free to edit those and resubmit. No sense reinventing the wheel.

Let's shoot for Sunday the 26th, 11:00 PM Central (midnight Eastern - just putting the Central first so it's clear which day I'm referring to. :D ).

Thanks muchly!


"Reject me not, sweet sounds! oh, let me live,
Till doom espy my towers and scatter them.
A city spell-bound under the aging sun,
Music my rampart, and my only one."
-Edna St. Vincent-Millay
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