Since the Recall contest is suspended at the moment, I figure I'd give you all a different outlet for you creativity.
There are no formal contest rules at this time, nor prizes -- really it isn't a contest at all -- though anything you submit might show up in surprising places.
Basically I'm looking for two different things:
1) Short summaries of stories. Just a few sentences. Preferably something already established in DR's lore. These can be as utilitarian or flowery as you like.
2) Full fledged short stories. Nothing too terribly long, say a page or two at most, but feel free to get a bit more creative here in stepping outside of established stories. Bonus points if you want to write it as your character retelling the story.
Since I don't feel like setting up another email address right now, and it's currently not in use, you can go ahead and send entries to still -- as many as you want per email -- though due to the nature of the entries you're welcome to post them on the forums for discussion.
All the standard disclaimers do apply. Anything you submit becomes the property of Simutronics, may or may not be used, is subject to revisions etc.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose