Upcoming session with Esmaril on calendar on 05/12/2012 08:17 PM CDT
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Since the session on the calendar is for a new type of work, I thought I'd post to point it out.

The session is scheduled for Tuesday, May 15th at 9:00 PM Eastern at the festival grounds.

Esmaril will be doing instrument refurbishing. This will raise the quality of your instrument by one appraisal level, unless it is already a fairly high level (very fine, exquisite or masterwork), which I don't think anyone actually has in game.

In addition, he will redeem vouchers for his usual work (or for refurbishing). Voucher holders will NOT need to join the list.

The exact location in the fest grounds will be announced that evening, with plenty of time to find it before he opens the list.

As far as higher quality instruments, while there are none available in the fest at the moment, you may find that some become available later (but still during the fest). [Fully intended to have them available at the outset, but RL has been crazy - my sincere apologies.]
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