Emotion Control Tweaks on 01/21/2013 09:47 PM CST
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Albreda's Balm - Preqs changed to 30th + Lullaby (Which isn't in yet, so it currently won't show), increased the castmods to esoteric, fixed some assorted messages, and can no longer be cast in extremely deep water.
Abandoned Heart - Preqs changed to 60th + Lilt + Lullaby (Same note on Lullaby), reverted to "ABAN", vastly reduced castmods to where they should be for esoteric, increased to 3 spell slots, changed some messaging in the intro, and can no longer be cast in extremely deep water.
Whispers of the Muse - Changed to "WOTM"
Faenella's Grace - Reduced castmods for non-bards, minor messaging tweaks in the intro, can no longer be cast in extremely deep water.
Misdirection - Preq changed to Whispers of the Muse
Rage of the Clans - Preq changed to pride, reverted to "RAGE", fixed a bug which may have been causing problems with dispels, and fixed an under the hood issue which should be invisible but could BREAK EVERYTHING.
Redeemer's Pride - Preq changed to Grace, reduced castmods to basic.

All cyclic spells also had the cyclic tweaks mentioned previously.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
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