A small plea regarding Voice Throw on 03/05/2018 12:50 AM CST
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May we please have access to more options with Voice Throw, in particular throwing our voices to items on the ground? (Currently a Thief-only ability.)

I would really like to be able to put on a puppet show or play involving dolls/objects. I know it may sound silly, but it is the single easiest way to host a play-like performance since it would only require one person. You place all the items on the ground, hide, and throw voice to each of them -- they can then be seen to converse on stage. I know it works because I've seen Thieves do it.

A big part of the reason I became a Bard was to record and to share history and event lore. I'd like to be able to review historical events with people. I have a bunch of Elpalzi dolls, Akul'tiz, and various famous NPCs all ready to go, but I can't USE them currently except for one or two at a time, and I think that's a shame. I never thought I'd say this, but let me perform more please!

- Navesi
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Re: A small plea regarding Voice Throw on 03/05/2018 08:24 AM CST
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Not opposed to the idea, but can you use playact for this?
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Re: A small plea regarding Voice Throw on 03/05/2018 12:10 PM CST
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There was a while back a proposal to open these up to everyone. However, it's beyond my ability coding wise to do so - It's something I've looked at trying to do myself. I'm not against having the ability opened up between Thieves and Bards however.

Twitter: @EvikeDR
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Re: A small plea regarding Voice Throw on 03/05/2018 10:51 PM CST
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>>Not opposed to the idea, but can you use playact for this?

Playact is a lovely tool, but, like ACT, it always begins with the character's name. I mean, I could always try to do something like, "Navesi's skeleton doll says X" followed by "Navesi's cleric doll says Y," but it would be more tedious and distracting that way in my opinion. I want the focus to be on the play, not on seeing my own name 100 times.

>>There was a while back a proposal to open these up to everyone. However, it's beyond my ability coding wise to do so - It's something I've looked at trying to do myself. I'm not against having the ability opened up between Thieves and Bards however.

Yay! I will just hope that it's easy enough that it can go on somebody's small pile.

- Navesi
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