SoL and death weirdness on 11/06/2014 07:57 AM CST
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So, this happened:

The orb of swirling light flickers and dies, and you sense the magics of your Osrel Meraud spell depart.
You feel the divinity seep from your bones as the previous blessing of Kuniyo wanes.
The supernatural sight granted to you fades, returning your vision to normal.
Your latent Shield of Light spell dissipates.
A brief flicker of pain pulses through your veins as the expanded horizons of your magical senses contract to your nervous system's natural capacity.
Your death cry echoes in your brain as it quickly dawns on you that you have just died! Already, you feel the tug of eternity upon your soul and you struggle to remain tied to this world.

Then after I returned to my grave,
>l into grav
In the Jhalias's grave you see an illuminated oval shield.

So. That's weird. Known bug?
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Re: SoL and death weirdness on 11/06/2014 07:58 AM CST
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Also, when I tried picking it up, the game returned nothing.

You attach an empty prayer bead chain to your wrist.
>get shie
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Re: SoL and death weirdness on 11/06/2014 08:27 PM CST
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I swear that this is a known bug, although this is the first circumstance I've heard of the grave issue. The spell certainly has had it's fair share of quirks in regards to the creation of an item. Interesting catch.

Usually when I observe people PvPing it is a problem with their stat assignment being much less than their opponent, and more often than not their opponent has higher skills than they were expecting. - Kodius

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time. - Sun Tzu
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Re: SoL and death weirdness on 11/17/2014 01:03 AM CST
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Yeah, SOL randomly bugs out like that, every once in a while when I'm at a repair shop and I do the "repair all", my SoL shield will get into the sack to be repaired but then I can't get it back out, it just disappears when I reach for it.
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