Is this right? on 12/05/2009 11:37 PM CST
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I should start this post off by saying the character I am doing this with (my main) is not a Cleric.

That being said, is this working properly?

>rem pin
You take off an anloral dove pin.
>clean pin with water
You clean your dove pin with some holy water, restoring the anloral's azure purity.
That was the last of your holy water.
Roundtime: 50 sec.

50 seconds? Really?
I mean, if the reasoning is that only Clerics would know how to properly handle and care for holy relics, I'd be okay with that. But for some reason I don't think it's working as intended and if it is, oh well.

Thanks for looking into it!

- Terra
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Re: Is this right? on 12/05/2009 11:43 PM CST
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It's been brought up before.

It's ~10 seconds per day of dust. Not sure if there's a cap.

Apparently it's "To balance the free devotion gain" or some such according to the last Gm response on the issue.

IMHO it's no more free devotion as many other things and the RT is... excessive to say the least, but so be it. It does teach some MD at least (which seems to be related to the RT).

SEND[Abasha] It warms my heart to see three people die for a cupcake.
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Re: Is this right? on 12/05/2009 11:55 PM CST
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I think the RT cap is at 60 seconds, I haven't seen it go past that.
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Re: Is this right? on 12/06/2009 12:17 AM CST
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The longer roundtimes were mainly to encourage you to keep the pin clean, but I've now tweaked them down.

>>It does teach some MD at least (which seems to be related to the RT).

Oops, this is now Mech Lore.

GM Grejuva
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Re: Is this right? on 12/06/2009 12:21 AM CST
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I was happy until I got to the end of your post.


Stupid MD. Been struggling with that on my baby cleric and every drop helped.

SEND[Abasha] It warms my heart to see three people die for a cupcake.
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