Holy Water Containers on 05/01/2015 11:08 PM CDT
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I'm just coming back from being gone a couple years, and have created a new cleric, and while I am starting to get used to dealing with Theurgy again, one thing seems to cause major issues. No matter what container I use, I only ever seem to have one part of water or holy water, having tried with a chalice and silver vial.

> Fill my vial with water

Is this the wrong way to do it? If I try and use it again to obtain another part, it says the container already has water and will not put any more in unless I bless what's in there and put another part of regular water in, then bless that too, etc. one at a time.

Also, after putting said one part of water in my container and then stowing it in my bags, I have numerous times come back to that container later to find it empty without having used said holy water. Could anyone explain to me how to use these properly?
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Re: Holy Water Containers on 05/02/2015 12:16 AM CDT
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Fill Chalice with water from XX <
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Re: Holy Water Containers on 05/02/2015 01:29 AM CDT
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If it works like jars you have to fill it repeatedly to actually fill it up.

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Re: Holy Water Containers on 05/02/2015 01:50 AM CDT
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The parser is a bit dumb. When you do:

> Fill my vial with water

it's trying to fill the vial with the water that you own that is already in your vial. So specify the source, that usually works. I often use the trough at Town Green Northeast if I'm in Crossing--

> Fill my vial with water in trough

Also, like the previous posts in this folder say, get a chalice (they're in Crossing) because they hold a lot more than a vial.
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Re: Holy Water Containers on 05/02/2015 06:43 AM CDT
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1) I think you need to close your container. I've never had water leak from mine, but it's 'supposed' to be part of the system

2) Don't waste your money on a vial, it holds 2 parts water. Get a basin/chalice/etc. instead, holds 60 parts.
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Re: Holy Water Containers on 05/02/2015 08:18 AM CDT
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As for water, buy it from the alchemist society. 10 parts, very cheap. Bless it, and then put it in your backpack.
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Re: Holy Water Containers on 05/02/2015 09:10 AM CDT
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I usually either rely entirely on Eluned for water (which pre-blesses it, and obviously teaches theurgy), or fill it from the trough in TGNE.

The last time I bought water I did it was Chizli's, who only sells 1 part waters, so the alchemy society is way better. Never thought about that.
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Re: Holy Water Containers on 05/02/2015 02:22 PM CDT
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Thanks for the suggestions folks, that syntax works the way I wanted it to! And as I said in the original post, I have both a vial and a chalice as I was trying them both, and know the chalice carries far more. Thanks for all the help, it seems to have fixed my problems!

As a side note, for cleaning anloral pins, do you just CLEAN it with holy water? I just want ot make sure as I was given one that I know was previously used by another Cleric, and despite having the appropriate last favor, it crumbled. Is this just because it was bonded with them?
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Re: Holy Water Containers on 05/03/2015 02:10 AM CDT
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Yes, clean pin with water. They do bond when cleaned, so I suspect it's just as you thought. Contrariwise, if you'd had the wrong kind of favor, I believe it would have actually exploded--it's definitely a dramatic effect.
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Re: Holy Water Containers on 05/03/2015 08:03 AM CDT
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depends on the vial I suppose. I have one that holds 10 parts water and perfectly happy with it as it forces me to use eluned more often to keep theurgy moving(I forget it lots)
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