>>This short letter appears to have taken several revisions, as whole sentences have been scratched out and extra words are scribbled in between spaces.
To My Fellow Clerics and All Faithful:
It is with much hesitance I pen this letter, for I am not the charismatic leader needed at these desperate moments in history...
The time has come for us to heed the warnings of the Gods and unite. Lyras the Devourer threatens our existence and aims to challenge the Immortals themselves. As the Gods' chosen, we must put aside our differences and unite to defeat this threat and prove to the Gods that we are worthy and faithful servants. I'll admit that even I have been lax in matters of late, only standing by, watching in horror as the undead swarm at the gates of the cities, and listening with sorrow at the blasphemy of unbelievers. But it is time now to come together as a guild, as Clerics and Priests who will not stand down and let the threat over take us.
In the near future I hope to hold an informal meeting for all clerics and faithful to discuss the warnings we've received from Klusarlik, as well as strategy and plans for destroying whatever weapon Lyras is rumored to have. I plan to be in Crossing until that time, doing what I can to spread the message of unification, strength, and faith to my fellow clerics.
Let us not be divided any longer. The threat of Lyras will be destroyed through the vindication of our faith.
Warrior Priestess Caelane Oyace
Cleric of Meraud and Idon
OOC: Hopefully the meeting will be sometime this weekend or early next week provided the war doesn't end by then. ;) If you'd like to come and want to request a time feel free.
~Player of "One of the Caels."
Queen of Non-Sequitors