Keeping the Faith - Eluned Triad on 01/18/2010 09:05 PM CST
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Greetings! Due to a hectic schedule, Terra and I have decided to do Keeping the Faith once a week, Every Sunday, at 9:30 PM EST. Each week we will be celebrating and exploring one of the Immortal Triads, including neutral, positive and negative aspects.

This week we will be celebrating Eluned, Lemicus and Drogor with a Vigil and Party on the Beach! Meet us outside the Bank in Xings as we head to the Stand for our Sandy Service and Beach Bash!

As always, there will be food, drink, and gifts for all attendees with additional prizes. It is not necessary to perform, speak or pray. All are encouraged to come together and worship, either aloud or quietly. However, the best original praise or prayer of the evening does receive a prize.

Additionally, since this is also a beach party, we are going to have some games. We ask anyone who wishes to participate in the Costume Party pick one of the Aspect of Eluned and come dressed as a Worshipper of One of The Three (it need not be an actual Immortal you personally worship, just how you feel a devotee may dress to show their dedication to that Immortal).
For Example, A devotee of Lemicus may look more scholarly or like a Librarian. A devotee of Eluned may dress in Elothean silks and ocean themed items. A devotee of Drogor may wear shark related items. But do not feel constricted. While I understand a previous fest gave God Costumes... we are looking for not how the God or Goddess may dress, but someone who devotes themself to serving that Immortal. There will be a prize for the best for each Immortal. You can only choose one Immortal per person!

We will sprinkle the Service with Trivia and other games as time allows. Anyone who wishes to compete in longer running games can join us after the Service.

Hope to See you Sunday, Jan. 23rd outside the Bank in Xings at 9:30 PM EST for our service for Eluned. If you are running a little late, just head out to the strand and look for the party! Don't forget to start working on your costumes and songs, poems, dances, prayers, thoughts, praises, or other performances. Also, if you have a favorite food or drink, bring some extras to share and pass around. No beach party is good without plenty of booze and sand in your shoes!
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