Field Trip at Upcoming Mentor Sponsored Teaching Night on 06/02/2012 01:23 PM CDT
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As promised, we will not be bothering dear Jelna with so much noise this upcoming week. Our plan is to gather up at the guild hall in Riverhaven at 9:30pm EST (Monday June 4th), where we'll BRIEFLY review the tragedy of the Dunshade family and then head off to Dunshade Manor for a hunt.

Critters in the area range from Corpse Grubs to Death Spirits but they are well separated so you'll be able to move around until you feel comfortable.

Everyone is welcome to attend. I'll have some compensation for any empaths that might want to help us out for a while. There will be a few small prizes for trivia questions and a couple of other things :)

* In a hunting area there is the potential for you to face plant into the Void, so make sure you have favors!

Hope to see you there.

Cleric Mentor
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