Ten'ra Agalith on 10/08/2017 01:58 PM CDT
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In the coming of morning's light, a multitude of parchments have appeared, tacked to the walls of major temples, country churches, and Cleric guildhalls across Kermoria. The pale blue sheets of paper resemble the unending waves of the sea and smell faintly of brine.

To my Brothers and Sisters of the Clergy and to all goodly and faithful children of the Gods,

There is a stirring of the soul, akin to the ripples that herald the storm. Perhaps you have felt such. Too long has it been since the Dark Ones have been honored. Has the North Wind been appeased, by prayer or blood offering? Have we forgotten the lesson of the Storm? Of the Spider? Of the Weasel? Have we blotted out the Miracle of the Fists of Heaven from our minds? The Centaur. The Goshawk. The Heron. Thirteen Voices cry together in my soul and resonate with a doleful chime. Balance must be maintained, or we shall once more suffer Their wrath. The lesson must continue.

Many, many years has it been since the celebration of Ten'ra Agalith - that which we call Heaven's Truce. My Brothers and Sisters, all; now is the time to raise our voices in concert, not in condemnation, but praise! The voices of the faithful will echo to the very Heavens and show the Dark Ones that They are not forgotten! That They are revered amongst us and that Their awe-inspiring might shall be acknowledged now and for ever!

With a Great Hand and wondrous deed, The Dark Ones deliver us from the rising floodtides of our own pride. May They be appeased. May the righteous find mercy.

When: Fri, October 20, 9pm – 10pm
Where: Temple Grounds, Memorial Shrine - Crossing, Zoluren
Directions (From the Entry Gates of the Temple Grounds): North, East, Northeast, East
Description: Ten'ra Agalith, meaning Heaven's Truce, is a day to placate the Gods of Darkness. Those who wish to learn more about the Dark Gods, as well as how They might be honored and appeased, are welcome to join us at the Crossing Temple. There will be a brief lecture, followed by a tour of the Eyes of the Thirteen, where prayers and offerings will be made to each of the Thirteen dark immortals.

Participation Opportunities! The gods need YOU!
Do you have or know a dark cleric looking for a chance to get involved in something spooky scary? Are you not a dark cleric player, but have a character with particular interest in any of the dark immortals? Contact Whiteburn, either in-game (preferable) or through Discord (Whiteburn#5377).
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